Welcome :)

Hello. My name is Lili and i love the happy side of the world.
I'm a movie-addict but i don't watch television. I'm also a foodie and i have this habit of combing my hair a little too much. I aspire to be my own boss of a luxurious company some day in the near future.

Currently in Ngee Ann Poly, Diploma in Business Studies.

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Monday, May 25, 2009
Finally dom wear formal to school xP
Dindin look so cute,
Nini looks tragically beautiful like what Nick says.
Shengming acts like a xiaoming here :D
22 May 2009

Nini looks cute with her hair up.
My class shirt looks nice.
Nick looks short!
25th May 2009

Me with Dom's specs. I still fit black nerds now uh.
And Nick with MY specs. hahaha
25th May 2009

There's a picture taken on 23th May 2009, at ECP Pond at about 445am :D Hahaha i was thinking, better take a first early bird picture in ECP!!! Gotta grab the photos from Nick though! My phone went batt flat very early alr that night.

Part 1.

I will resport to this since there's not enough time.


Sat morning was spent jogging. Woke up at 8am, wanted to sleep some more but when i saw Gavin's msg of NO,,, i went like okayyyyyyyyyyyy get up pls. haha so i reached bukit panjang, (in sports attire) which i hadnt worn in quite awhile with my pink sports shoe LOL. Again that guy was late. TWO TIMES ALR went to his house area and he's still home when i reached. lol im so gonna do that to do him next sat :D HAHAHA... kidding

Walked from pending station to bangkit lrt station... still had to wait for a couple of mins for him to arrive.. then headed to the park and began jogging. Chatted while jogging so it was not that streneous as my mind was somewhere.. Shared a couple of things here and that and got to know him more.

After 1km or so.... i began jogging at a pace where Gavin can actually walk and be on par as me xP hahahaa damn malu. And tired. He showed me some taekwondo moves LOL. and then headed to the mama store to get some drink. PEACH TEA :D

Chatted some more while we drank up and stuff. Seems like im not the only

one gg through some shit in life. I knew that all along, but now at least i know more. Some random thoughts gg on in my mind now.

I rmb Sky ( A Company's friend of mine and also a bazaar friend of mine) reading my thumb print. Saying i was a person who'd multi task. And when was telling me what my character is like, i amm already answering him in my mine. and i was SHOCKED. I never did realise it, till he said it.

Yes, i was indeed answering him in my mind. thinking of 2-3 things already. Maybe thats why im always kinda blur? I seem to be hearing 3 voices at a time so i cant absorb things easily.

Like in lecture, when im trying to concentrate, i'd be talking to myself in my head.

" lili, listen to the lecture. Yes, i think i do get what he is saying.. on second thought, i dont! Well, i'd listen further. Oh no.... its getting harder. Wow the ppl in front are playing games on their lappys. Sigh back to listening. Oh yes lunch's gonna be real soon :D Okay back to listening. I must listen attentively. Listen hard... OHHHH i think i get the concept! Oh crap its getting tougher in this topic yeah? "

Well it just simply goes on like that.... Whenever you're talking to me, if you'd try asking me what am i actually replying you in my head, i'd go stunned for a second. haha.

I love mind readings. <3

Okay, back to Saturday morning... Hmm went walking back to the starting point of Zhenghua park. Warmed down at the exercising station where Nini phoned and told me she'd be late. So i stayed longer to talk.. Hah there's quite a couple of interesting things i learnt about him. Felt thirsty again and we walked to the lrt to get another drink. And then started talking about secondary school...... seriously lots of bengs around. Hmm but still, i know deep down, everyone still has a good side of the heart. They'd change some time soon. And no , im not referring to anyone in particular.

Chatted till i needed to go home to bath and change to meet Dear Nini :D thanks Gavin for sending me to the bus stop =) It'd be my turn next week.

haha Anyone care to join for a jog at Clementi Canal next sat morning? :D Just let me know!!!!!

Will be glad to have more ppl jogging together. More motivation to keep fit and loose weight =)


Listening to this song that i frequently heard in Broderick and Clinton's church now...

This is our God.

I like this song =)

But bascially, its making me emotional.

Posted at 11:57 AM