Welcome :)

Hello. My name is Lili and i love the happy side of the world.
I'm a movie-addict but i don't watch television. I'm also a foodie and i have this habit of combing my hair a little too much. I aspire to be my own boss of a luxurious company some day in the near future.

Currently in Ngee Ann Poly, Diploma in Business Studies.

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Monday, June 22, 2009

Thats what i was distracted by when doing Business LAW project today with dear Caryn, Yanting, Jeremy and Mayni :D
Super cute, its supposed to be for the judge, who hammers the hammer and shouts 'ORDER IN THE COURT!' for our video. hahaha it makes super loud squeky sound when banged :D Had sooooo much fun.
Had breakfast with a piQ at KFC before heading to Ngee Ann's Library for project work. We wasted 3 hours slacking our time there not doing much work sadly... when we finally did it, i guess it took just an hour to complete! Okay not exactly complete, but just take photos only. There's still so much things to do and im really drowning in all these work :(
Still, i had a great chat with Caryn on msn just now, HAHAHA funny... and im beginning to think that she behaves like me. Laughs hysterically* heeeee xP All the best babe :D I will try my best to win the bet =) And i will have my lovely Choco fudge!
Makan place, i miss it! Got my Kaki fuyong there finally :D Keli came to join us halfway... and we headed to Bishan together since it had a direct bus there... Took just 5 mins or so to finish walking the mall LOL. and we decided on the movie, 'Land of the Lost' which keli went home :(
Show was good :) Few shocking scences due to the sound effects haha and overall it was good. Poor Mayni, i understand how you feel , but i cant help it LOL. Paisei ah... Went home after that :D
I couldnt stay for Dom's chalet, i aint going to Malaysia this week anymore. It really blew my whole mood off... but im glad i still have you:)

Posted at 9:10 AM