Welcome :)

Hello. My name is Lili and i love the happy side of the world.
I'm a movie-addict but i don't watch television. I'm also a foodie and i have this habit of combing my hair a little too much. I aspire to be my own boss of a luxurious company some day in the near future.

Currently in Ngee Ann Poly, Diploma in Business Studies.

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Sunday, July 5, 2009
heeeeeeee :D where dom?

My very first picture with this long lasting couple. hahaha ( i think)

It looks like a mixed family. hahahaha

O.o Nicki has 3 eyes!

2nd July NP bazaar ^^ Love you girlsss!

^^ SMILE ALRIGHT. hahaaaaa <3>
Oh well, i dissappeared for 2 whole nights as i was busying myself with a bazaar at Clarke Quay. Maanged to sleep only at 4am the past two nights but i've gotten my well deserved rest by waking up late on both days! Sales was good... and i feel like getting another bazaar for it. I'm liking my stocks available more and more down... =)

First night was a mess at the beginning with setting up. What with no table available for us, and only racks as our spacing. 7 people with just 2 chairs to sit. Where 1 chair actually belongs to 5 of us, namely, sherlyn and junhong, nick, dom and me. Thanks all for your help and accompany!!!!!

foul mood as usual while setting up store... lol i just cant stop busying myself in making the hangers look nicer and stuff.... a fake perfectionist. LOL
Made Nick and Dom pretty bored actually... lucky they still can walk around and stuff.... And thanks for buying food for us too ^^ couldnt catch the last train home, so waited for lyn's dad to come and fetch us... thanks lynny =)))) but nick walked home :S

Stayed and talked to dommy for awhile till 3 am haaaaaa... thanks Gloria and Joanna for coming by and purchasing from us too ^^ And also not forgetting the day before, my bazaar at Ngee Ann Poly, thanks to GEMAliXIN for your precious company as well ^^ Glad to have you guys as my dear friends =)))))

Day 2 was with Lyn and me only... and Nick joined us about 2 hours later... Thanks again for helping us buy Yoshinoya plus Burger king. hahaha i like their 6 inches thingy... i forgot what is it called again :) soooo had a couple of ang moh customers... glad i could handle them LOL. one indian lady was rude... but oh well.. Sad dom wasnt there.....

Chatted lots at the bazaar =)))) And lyn's dad fetched us home again....


Went out to study today at Jurong east with dom. Guess it turned out pretty bad at first... but i'm glad things changed? I just felt hopeless that time ... i dont really know how to cheer you up. haaaa ended up at IMM to eat... change atmostphere.. and cheer up. I tried the samble noodle which indeed scared me at first when i saw the color of the noodles. It was RED. HAHAHAH looks like it could kill me , but it turned out tasting pretty good! And not that spicy hoooooooooo :D So experiment with new food 1 was a success. hah!

Went back to library to study, and i online shopped for dom. HOOO :D started my work pretty late... but im glad things were gg well again .... =) Studied till library closed and dom was feeling like a monster so he went to eat again :D Which is actually a good thing for me HAHAHA. bus-ed homeeeeeeee..

Waaaaaa he''s damnnnnnnnn EVIL. Keep arm wrestling me... making me lose ... but i can win two hands HAAAAAAA i think. :S i bet my arms gonna ache tmr. LOL. Okay this is super random but we did just that LOL. I learnt a couple of muay thai moves as well, like hitting ppl's stomach. (like real, this is just my style)

Thanks dear for sending me home <33333333333333

Posted at 9:25 AM