Varsity: Day at home
Welcome :)

Hello. My name is Lili and i love the happy side of the world.
I'm a movie-addict but i don't watch television. I'm also a foodie and i have this habit of combing my hair a little too much. I aspire to be my own boss of a luxurious company some day in the near future.

Currently in Ngee Ann Poly, Diploma in Business Studies.

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Saturday, January 2, 2010
Day at home
Was supposed to go for Steamboat and all, but i dont feel that well :S

So i took the time to upload more of my clothes that i wanna sell :D Goodness, i just uploaded the load lss than a month ago to my urban-luxurious blog, yet i still found so many more in my closet rarely or never worn :S

Heeee and i just took the pic of this blazer, as qunlin requested :D

Auto focus onto my hand :P
Can you believe its taken with my 5MPX phone with self timer? hahahaha success!

New stock, its a pity i could only find 1 nice jacket when i tried to find! Silver ~~
Silver sounds informal, but this kinda silver..... its my type :D

nice nice? uh oh, got a feeling im gonna take one of this jacket for myself!!! Gonna upload this and the rest of my clothes very very soon.

I just cooked:
Fusili with hotdogs, chicken mushroom balls and a little of pork (hopefully for some taste)

with most importantly........CHEESE!!!!!
Only picture while cooking, was trying to manage boiling the water and stuff and putting some things back intothe refrigerator :)
I aspire to be a cook one day.. hehehe
Did i mention that i fixed up corned beef wit egg with rice just 2 nights ago for dinner for my family as well?
i told dom i'd cook for him and his family one day during school days when we have the time!
hahahais cooking a new found hobby or smth? :) I dont like baking anymore!!
anyway, i read through the nuffnang ads analytics. Discovered that i do have United Kingdom readers daily.... wow how faraway, and yet they were able to find my blog!
& Friends, pls tag :) Or i will lose the motvation to blog again! hahaa

Posted at 1:20 AM