Varsity: March 2011
Welcome :)

Hello. My name is Lili and i love the happy side of the world.
I'm a movie-addict but i don't watch television. I'm also a foodie and i have this habit of combing my hair a little too much. I aspire to be my own boss of a luxurious company some day in the near future.

Currently in Ngee Ann Poly, Diploma in Business Studies.

My blogshop
Sherlyn lj
Sherlyn b
Please give me your link at the tagboard okay ^^ I lost all the previous links :(

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Monday, March 28, 2011
A week has gone by since my last update and it has been an interesting week of bazaar-ing and a great weekend!

Met awesome people who became quick friends at the bazaar.

How awesome was that what started from doing a survey for them became a 4 hour long chat with 3 of them and then friend's friend and friend's friend's friend arrived and they ended up partying together.

Not me though.. i ain't those sort and i have never party-ed hehe. They are all westernized people so they are really open.. some attitudes i like and some, would be a matter of time getting used to.


the awesome people. Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket my table and clothes rack for 28th march!

On another day of the bazaar, shared the booth with Dom's aunty and her helper was really nice! gave her a gift cos i felt like it hehe.

then peak hour charge and a looooong U-turn fare killed me.

I think bazaar is another good way of making friends. Some whom will help you along and some whom are out to get your money. I have experienced both sides and sometimes i feel that i'm just too nice to them.

but then i have my fair share of good bazaar friends and i really appreciate them.. 1 who already helped me along for the coming 3rd year. Also returned the favour by helping them sell their products haha!

Saturday was day out at Johor again ^^

With dom's friend and gf. I have a shopping partner while the guys can have their guys talk haha! Becoming my favourite hangout place now. Did i mention its the 3rd time i went already in a month or two? :O think i'm going again this weekend haha.

Photobucket Photobucket ToriQ meal there :D


And this 16RM ice cream. damn expensive for normal ice cream but i guess you're paying for the self customizable service. And a free polaroid shot of me and dom ! ^^

We had choco mixed vanilla and green tea mixed strawberry with some milo cereals, honey stars and some choco rice added on top!

Its time to get my contact lens and then i can finally put on make-up and not feel weird because of my specs. wooohooo.. still scared of taking out the lens though. looks so scary and dangerous. like one wrong move and i will scratch my eye ouch!!!!

Sunday was dom's daddy birthday!

Ate at Kuishin-Bo, the japanese buffet i was talking about in my previous post again. The food is getting boring and oops i binged again :( Photobucket

Swenson's Mango ice cream cake with Dom's adorable parents! hahaha


and their neighbour playing with the dry ice lol!


my self created fondue which i managed to finish this time round ^^

On a side note, i'm really finally happy with my results :) Think i really worked hard this semester and the shagging out for the projects was worth it. I rmb nearing the exams that i was having thoughts of giving up working so hard.. that i won't be able to enter a local university as well.. but oh well since i shagged out 3 semesters already, might as well continue shagging for the rest right?

1 last semester of studying!!!!

Actually i am depressed about something and i really hope that i will be fine soon. 9 more days to wait. i hope i don't have to get an injection at all. painless pls :( damn worried and stressed and feel emo when i talk about it. but the more stressed i get, the more it will get worse soooooo enough talk!

Okay time to go sleep, told Gina i would be early tmr to set up the booth.

Good night people ^^

Hope you guys are coping better with your internships, enjoying your beijing holidays, and hanging out!!!!

Posted at 9:21 AM

Monday, March 21, 2011
Cannot be disheartened so quickly!
Today's sales isn't good and i'm currently super bored with nothing much to do here.
i don't get it... my rings were the most popular usually and suddenly all my sales today were everything else but rings lol!

Really feel the need to travel overseas and restock my shop. I just want things which will sell by itself like my friend's store. No matter where she goes, people just love them!! hmmmm

Last friday i had a flea market at the Singapore Art Mueseum. The crowd was really different there and ffrom what my friend told me, this was one of the few times that the event failed ;o lucky me when its my first time there.

salessss come come come quick! i dont wanna be earning $1 an hour -.-

Posted at 1:01 AM

Tuesday, March 15, 2011
14 March 2011
Happy birthday Sherlyn!!! ^^
Hope you enjoyed our dinner plus all your birthday celebrations :D

Had bazaar today also.. sales was not bad but it can definitely do better.
Did the bazaar with my long long bazaar friend's son. Gained some insight into how more of the business world works.
It was fortunate that he is super gentlemanly too and very accomodating.. if not i would have wasted 3 hours of my time unpacking my stuffs and setting up today again!
Squeezed all my bulky stuffs into his van and then he did all the wrapping up of the things while his friend and i chatted lol!
Come to think of it, since its my own stuffs too that he is wrapping together i should be helping. but he told us to sit down and talk while waiting for him to finish up haha!
and lucky for me it was otw that he's driving to the dance studio so i got a free ride back home at the back of the van ^^
After resting awhile, i went to meet a customer and my darling ^^
His first day at work and he was tired as hell.. so was i. Had a quick dinner and talk before going home.
15 March 2011
Munching on some potato wedges right now...
This morning, i came to the NUS bazaar with sore throat and fever and it was hard for me to talk then my bazaar friend was so good as to give me a papaya immediately and now he gave me the just fried potato wedges! don't really care about fried stuff bad for my throat and i really want to drink the KOI bubble tea which the store nearby is selling!! T.T

I wish there was Each-A-Cup here though..

Its very boring now.. lesser people walking pass so i have lesser people to talk to but yay someone just bought 2 rings :D

I'm amazed how a shopping trip can expand my stuffs from just one ring rack to whole table filled to the brim now! haha happy that many people told me my stuffs are pretty ^^

But too bad i don't sell any of them online! Just too lazy to take good pictures of them haha. Will upload pictures of my bazaar soon :D

MORE SALES PLEASE!!!! Today so bad sia

Posted at 12:10 AM

Thursday, March 10, 2011
10 March = Good day ^^
SLURPPP^^ My own creation... made use of the choco fondue choco to make these :D

Today was yet another fun day!
Watched Boys Over Flowers the movie (i know super slow).. and soooo nice!!! Wonder how all the Japanese girls can really express themselves with those kind of high high pitch sound always hahaha.

The reason why i can watch so many movies.. (it has become a hobby and a stress-reliever for me) is because dom's house is like a DVD shop for those who still don't know lol! It has been my favourite hangout place because it is just so cozy, a nice family environment and lots of movies to watch!

And after such a long time of procrastinating... dom and I FINALLY... i repeat FINALLY went for a run.
And like it wasn't meant to be in the first place, the stadium was used by some secondary school's sports day. but nth shall deter our determination to exercise today!!! so we ran round the big round of the stadium and back to his house. Hope we made at least 2km today ^^

So today Christina and jh came over for the 1st time and we took a long while choosing an appropriate movie.. ended up NOT watching it because we just ate and Monopoly dealed! Such a pity we had to leave after 1 hour +++ only.. but yay got a ride home again! haha if not i'd be home even later..

Though it was just a short while, once again it was really fun ^^ Funny seeing someone else screaming and running away from the dog when it used to be me.. and someone who has similar traits as me LOL.

I'm looking at life positively now... went to the doctor recently and i'm not all perfect, but I know i'm already better off than many many other people.. I will appreciate life even more, and live my life to the fullest.

Times like this makes me think...what if i woke up one day and found myself coming face to face with cancer etc... it really scares me to think that i'd die young, early and suddenly. So i must really really treasure all the time i am having right now :)

And no, it wasn't cos of Church which i attended ytd with dom and his parents lol... its just my own thoughts scaring myself. but its good i have those thoughts because they simply reinforce my belief... i shouldn't be all worried, frustrated and flustered everyday.

On a random note......
well not really short short but.... still shorter than before and longer when i first entered poly hehe.


Pictures from Japanese Buffet @ Jurong Point.
Very afforadable for good japanese food ($15.90 excluding gst)



They even offer those baked salmon!!! :O:O its super expensive


and another time out with dom...if i;m not wrong, straight after my exams on 4 march :D
Just Acia again with my favourite set meal of Teriyaki Chicken & Soft shell crab + Side order of their superb chicken (Comparable with Pizaa hut's chicken wing)



Posted at 6:30 AM

Sunday, March 6, 2011
Jeremy's farewell ~
Great.. its only 4pm and i did many things already!
Met 3 customers, went to dom's house and helped with the set up of his e-portfolio.
Cabbed down to clementi mrt where i ran some errands and dom went to school for his internship briefing.
Managed to change my DBS ATM card ^^
It had some problems detecting, especially the SAM machine :O and the magnetic strip was peeling already... yay now i have a brand new shiny card.
While i was at DBS bank waiting in line (with poor service quality, no diversions or anything or some sort), i was so damn bored (that old empty feeling)... that i took the brochure to read.
The DBS Debit VISA card sounds good! Might consider to take it up soon.. but wondering if i need to surrender this new ATM card first to get that VISA card.. hmmmmm.
It has rebates that ATM card doesn't have!! And i can shop online (overseas) with that card!!!
*TINK TINK!!! ^^

Anyway Jeremy's farewell dinner was great!!! Came super late, at 9pm cos my stomach couldn't take the buffet i had in the afternoon with dom's family.. the sashimi was sooooooo delicious.. with my own creations of cake fondue ^^

Went to Iluma sky garden to chat and it was very nice ^^ Haven done that with mayni, caryn, dawn and jeremy for a very long time!! After the sky garden closed, we moved to starbucks and continued our chat there wher Jeremy left before that. haha took the last train home!!

gonna rush out now lol! will blog with pictures another day!~ :D

Posted at 11:50 PM