Welcome :)

Hello. My name is Lili and i love the happy side of the world.
I'm a movie-addict but i don't watch television. I'm also a foodie and i have this habit of combing my hair a little too much. I aspire to be my own boss of a luxurious company some day in the near future.

Currently in Ngee Ann Poly, Diploma in Business Studies.

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Monday, March 28, 2011
A week has gone by since my last update and it has been an interesting week of bazaar-ing and a great weekend!

Met awesome people who became quick friends at the bazaar.

How awesome was that what started from doing a survey for them became a 4 hour long chat with 3 of them and then friend's friend and friend's friend's friend arrived and they ended up partying together.

Not me though.. i ain't those sort and i have never party-ed hehe. They are all westernized people so they are really open.. some attitudes i like and some, would be a matter of time getting used to.


the awesome people. Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket my table and clothes rack for 28th march!

On another day of the bazaar, shared the booth with Dom's aunty and her helper was really nice! gave her a gift cos i felt like it hehe.

then peak hour charge and a looooong U-turn fare killed me.

I think bazaar is another good way of making friends. Some whom will help you along and some whom are out to get your money. I have experienced both sides and sometimes i feel that i'm just too nice to them.

but then i have my fair share of good bazaar friends and i really appreciate them.. 1 who already helped me along for the coming 3rd year. Also returned the favour by helping them sell their products haha!

Saturday was day out at Johor again ^^

With dom's friend and gf. I have a shopping partner while the guys can have their guys talk haha! Becoming my favourite hangout place now. Did i mention its the 3rd time i went already in a month or two? :O think i'm going again this weekend haha.

Photobucket Photobucket ToriQ meal there :D


And this 16RM ice cream. damn expensive for normal ice cream but i guess you're paying for the self customizable service. And a free polaroid shot of me and dom ! ^^

We had choco mixed vanilla and green tea mixed strawberry with some milo cereals, honey stars and some choco rice added on top!

Its time to get my contact lens and then i can finally put on make-up and not feel weird because of my specs. wooohooo.. still scared of taking out the lens though. looks so scary and dangerous. like one wrong move and i will scratch my eye ouch!!!!

Sunday was dom's daddy birthday!

Ate at Kuishin-Bo, the japanese buffet i was talking about in my previous post again. The food is getting boring and oops i binged again :( Photobucket

Swenson's Mango ice cream cake with Dom's adorable parents! hahaha


and their neighbour playing with the dry ice lol!


my self created fondue which i managed to finish this time round ^^

On a side note, i'm really finally happy with my results :) Think i really worked hard this semester and the shagging out for the projects was worth it. I rmb nearing the exams that i was having thoughts of giving up working so hard.. that i won't be able to enter a local university as well.. but oh well since i shagged out 3 semesters already, might as well continue shagging for the rest right?

1 last semester of studying!!!!

Actually i am depressed about something and i really hope that i will be fine soon. 9 more days to wait. i hope i don't have to get an injection at all. painless pls :( damn worried and stressed and feel emo when i talk about it. but the more stressed i get, the more it will get worse soooooo enough talk!

Okay time to go sleep, told Gina i would be early tmr to set up the booth.

Good night people ^^

Hope you guys are coping better with your internships, enjoying your beijing holidays, and hanging out!!!!

Posted at 9:21 AM