Welcome :)

Hello. My name is Lili and i love the happy side of the world.
I'm a movie-addict but i don't watch television. I'm also a foodie and i have this habit of combing my hair a little too much. I aspire to be my own boss of a luxurious company some day in the near future.

Currently in Ngee Ann Poly, Diploma in Business Studies.

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Monday, April 27, 2009

This is what im feeling now - STRESS!!!!! STRESS BALL!!!
I still have the Stress STAR Ms Siti gave in sec 3. but its kinda broken now.
And the LILI name tag that Nick bought for me is broken too :( I REALLY LIKE IT ALOT AND ITS GONE FROM MY PHONE NOW!!!! :( I mean its in pink.. and its nice...
Ahhs, anyway today's a long day.
Late for DSS Workshop for an hour and a half today as my alarm rang in SILENT MODE. GREAT! Lucky Mrs Quah is good, din mark me an absent. Sigh... not used to schooling.
Homework already for DSS and my new group mates are Hakim, xinyi and mayni!
Well...POA lecture after that. Its a good thing i took POA in sec school... helps pretty lot! And it ended within 1 hour instead of 2.
Quoted by the lecturer; "Its a sin to end lecture in 1 hour"
I was like LOL? HAHA! At least he has some sense of humour!
Headed to Makan place where Gavin and his friends waited for me and the girls to come so we can take over their seats and we dont needa wait for seats :D:D:D Nick came to join, dominic and TY and..... i forgot her name, oh crap. then keli...
Then went to BLAW tutorial. Super stressed up. The tutor who is a caucasian.. keeps drilling us with questions :( When called upon, he'll ask till you get the answer. ARGH!!!!! STRESS. STRESS.
Headed to find D , N and K later with Mayni and slacked till it was time for tuition grant briefing. Waaa no tuition grant = pay $40 000 a year sia!!!
Then library, nick and keli left. Jessican and Mayni and Rachel came:D Gavin joined. TY joined. Matin joined. Met Marcus at the cafe there and he was being scandalous again.
Went for PIANO INTERVIEW after that... they asked a couple of questions regarding committment and i kinda bomed them with my questions too haha. and BAND after that.. practiced the Bb clarinet....
Hard to switch and octave higher then a flat note and tonging nicely :( ARGH!!!
Me and Matin were super late lol... G and D called a couple of times until i scared to pick up and passed to Matin to help me get scolded HAHAHA. oh well went home after that :D

Posted at 8:39 AM