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Hello. My name is Lili and i love the happy side of the world.
I'm a movie-addict but i don't watch television. I'm also a foodie and i have this habit of combing my hair a little too much. I aspire to be my own boss of a luxurious company some day in the near future.

Currently in Ngee Ann Poly, Diploma in Business Studies.

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Saturday, April 25, 2009
So band on Saturday @ Ngee Ann.
Met Matin and i was a little late! (sorry) Haha he's my NCO mate whom i found out was dominic's and gavin's friend HAHA. Well, saw ryan and 3 more NCO ppl in the tryouts today.

Icebreaker game was kinda boring. lol Played the Sperm and Egg game again where the sperm had to chase the egg. Paired up with Matin as they said girl guy again -.- Haha ended up standing in one small box at the corner and we were super safe there :D Watching ppl scream and run and we stood there laughing HAHA.

Oh well.. people there are quite nice. Made new friends. Anson, who looks a LITTLE like Clinton. Yes Clinton sunbird :P Then Nigel from SJI, whom i rmb his name as Joseph instead, till i met another guy in my section called Joseph. So i gave up calling Nigel , Joseph. haha There was Su and Su, Huixian, shu ning, Weiling(NCO), Grayson(bass clarinet player with me :D)

And Ansar, Fahizah and Hazmeer as our seniors. Argh Ansar and Hazmeer likes to disturb me... I think i kinda gave the impression im those kinda loud person that can be made fun off. lol okay i can tolerate those haha but im not used it though. I'm only loud, to adapt. To be able to make friends easily. and i dont know why... i find it easier to make friends with guys than girls at the moment. Still looking for more girlfriends now :D

Ate at SIM with the clarinet section.. and anson was a gentleman. haha. kinda waited for me and stuff, i dont know, im a little clumsy now adays. Climbing steps is another recent problem. I seem to see double steps and then i will trip over myself argh!!!

Ah then donuts came, they forced me to bring the donuts home, or eat it all :S Lol just cos im named LILI! and not lili. HAHA nvm, kinda hard to explain it here.

Band practice wasnt a practice. it was basically running through of songs. Grades of the pieces are definitely higher in sec school. I used the BUFFET brand for bass clarinet.. easier to play :D But the scores had high notes! As high as the HIGH C, which is hardly used in secondary school pieces in my band. And right now, my jaw hurts. Due to the embrochure i had to maintain for a couple of hours running thourhg 5-6 pieces, chorales and warm ups. Feels like i haven exercised my mouth for quite some time. haha

when they were singing song for her :) Haha okay cos i din know the song.
Sherlyn, me, PEIWEN, sand , chubby.


Went off to meet sherlyn after that after putting down my dontus -.- LOL. Came to the airport to send PEIWEN( BYE) off. i dont like sending her off :( almost cried again... argh!! And the song her USUALS sang for her.. was super sweet. Wondered why everybody managed to contain their tears haha.

Oh well.. PEIWEN, you better be happy okay :D Sherlyn went to the east from west 2-3 times today.. and i travelled from school to home to CHANGI FOR YOU :D


Posted at 11:45 PM