Welcome :)

Hello. My name is Lili and i love the happy side of the world.
I'm a movie-addict but i don't watch television. I'm also a foodie and i have this habit of combing my hair a little too much. I aspire to be my own boss of a luxurious company some day in the near future.

Currently in Ngee Ann Poly, Diploma in Business Studies.

My blogshop
Sherlyn lj
Sherlyn b
Please give me your link at the tagboard okay ^^ I lost all the previous links :(

layout | colours | icons | inspiration
Monday, May 11, 2009
Lazy cope sherlyn 's face who was pointing at me LOL

Have another picture kungfu style in facebook xP Haha Sherlyn told me to do that oneeee. I believe i can fly~

I love lili =) I have to love myself before i can love others yes?

Lmao . Sherlyn, making me jealous of your hair huh?

Haha white white ^^

supposed to act dao. Turned out like that LOL

No time to blog :(

Short update.
Sunday was spent with lyn, then nick after lyn left.
Went to Zouk flea, nth to buy there for me. But lyn got a satin jacket close to my Victoria Secret's jacket wahaha.

Spammed some pictures... haha funny ones for some. And it was getting late already and she needed to go home to do her homework. So i called Nick out and we shoppeddddd!
HAHA almost gave up hope of seeing nice stuffs but lucky we tried another round =)

LOVE THE ITEMS! Okay i will send pics of it to Sherlyn, Mayni and Caryn soon okay? :D Since 3 of you are asking, i might as well take soon haha.

Polo shirts :) And Shawn's gonna be my model. Pictures will be up soon! SOON!! :D Currently i dont have much stock for it, but if the response is good, i will definitely get more..

My parents are back from M'sia. Cousin's wedding. [she's super pretty and hot! ]

will be crashing Nick's lecture later on, I NEED to force myself not to get distracted. And finish my presentation for Businss Management!

I have no wish to get into a relationship at the moment. [Some random thought]
It happens like this usually,
When you're single ,you feel lonely. when you're attached, there's more worries around.

Posted at 8:24 PM