Welcome :)

Hello. My name is Lili and i love the happy side of the world.
I'm a movie-addict but i don't watch television. I'm also a foodie and i have this habit of combing my hair a little too much. I aspire to be my own boss of a luxurious company some day in the near future.

Currently in Ngee Ann Poly, Diploma in Business Studies.

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Saturday, May 2, 2009
STRINGS @ NP. All we did was listen to presentation, had ice breakers and off we go.
Had fun with Geraldine today! We decided to go around shopping because everything ended so freaking early.. I dont know if it was the wrong choice cos i ended up in a shopping spree.

New flats :D A Crotchet tank which is frigging gorgeoussssssssss..
a drappy cardigan which indeed is just a piece of cloth with holes for your arms to enter but looks fab. when worn,
A look alike denim shorts. haha and it feels kinda high waist type... and i found it can pair with my ribbon top! Wooo! Have yet to get the leather jacket for myself. Heard presentations coming up. haha!

Went off to VIVO, ate an early dinner ( but i ate again when i reached home, aww pig) , Shopped around f21 , mango , river island.

BTW for those who are interested, RIVER ISLAND has 50% off on selected items! haha the gorgeous heels still costs $199 though :S

I saw quite a couple of pretty crotchet tops today ! Yummmmm. Then there was accesories. Bought the pearls, necklace and earrings for my mom. The necklace cant beat wenxin's heart necklace!!!! Haha!

Had a great time with Ger, sharing personal stuffs and all that. Mannn.. .she sure does see many cute guys around her!! Haha talked like non stop. Oh well... back home now.

Am gonna try re-studying again.... since my brain isn't those kinda genius type, the least i can do to compensate is to study over and over again.

And girls,,,,

Hweeleng, Jessica, Wenxin, Geraldine, Mayni, Xinyi, Audrey, Xinhui, Madeline,

Find school boring? Like you're wearing shorts to school now adays already?! HAHA thats to help us :D

See you guys WOO!

Posted at 7:07 AM