Welcome :)

Hello. My name is Lili and i love the happy side of the world.
I'm a movie-addict but i don't watch television. I'm also a foodie and i have this habit of combing my hair a little too much. I aspire to be my own boss of a luxurious company some day in the near future.

Currently in Ngee Ann Poly, Diploma in Business Studies.

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Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Dont want you to worry :(

I'm falling..... harder , harder and harder. oh mannnn.

I'm fine if there are things that will be different from the past.
I'm fine if those things are better.
I'm fine if i know it'd turn out differently.
I'm fine if things will turn out okay.
(If only i knew the end)

I'm fine cos im just falling.

Okay i dont know what am i talking about anymore. Im gonna go sleep.

Movies with the girls today. Gemalixin + Hwee leng + Jesicca. Watched ghost of girlfriend's past, its a good one. Teaches guys not to play girls :) And it has a touching part to the movie, almost cried :(

Took neoprint with these lovely girls... haha finally after 2 years! Our hair looks super brown in the pictures woohoo!

Went off to meet Cherry at raffles mrt to head to school together . ( Yes i know, gg to sch during sch holidays) hahaha for DANCE SPORT <3

Was lost in the moves at first, but caught up soon after. Shant elaborate... Made new friends today. Super friendly people.

Julia and Marie. Jaivin and Jiajing. :)

Had dinner with Jaivin and Jiajing, mannn i feel the pain for your wallet Jaivin :S Everything inside T.T I'd cry if i lost my things in the wallet.


Posted at 10:11 AM