Varsity: Christmas Eve
Welcome :)

Hello. My name is Lili and i love the happy side of the world.
I'm a movie-addict but i don't watch television. I'm also a foodie and i have this habit of combing my hair a little too much. I aspire to be my own boss of a luxurious company some day in the near future.

Currently in Ngee Ann Poly, Diploma in Business Studies.

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Thursday, December 24, 2009
Christmas Eve
Meant to reach Kovan mrt to meet Caryn, Mayni and the rest for Christmas Party at 3pm, but only managed to reach at 645pm!

Went to Cold storage to get poker decks as Mayni requested and took a little while to find Caryn's house hehe... Dom and I were greeted at the gate by a few princesses and prince when we finally reached haha!
So sweeet ah waiting for us at the gate hahaha!

Went around her house and saw FOOOOOD! :D Then piano which Cheryl and Caryn meddled with. Justin definitely do NOT look like A Grade 7 pianist. hohoho!

Eating time was the best, in my short 1 and a half hour visit to her house which took twice the time travelling to and fro hahaa. SUSHI! FISHBALLS! CHICKEN WINGS! PIZZAAAAA!

and i like the longan with almond :D

Poor Zhanxian became the Maria for a little while under the hold of his Madam Caryn. It was a funny sight watching him being ordered around lmao.

watched L4D2 a little while after our scrumptious dinner! Okay i wanna play ehhhhh =))))) Then gifts exchange, but i think only me and dom took first since we're leaving already. True to the Madam's words, i got her present when i fished out her name haha. a box of Fazer Peppermint chocolates!!!! ^^ And dom fishy fished! & got a Red packet from Jim as he sorta "thought its shopping together at the same time for present". haha

Journey home was a sleepy and a little adventurous one. Dad msged me to go to Hougang or Serangoon to get a direct bus home. So i chose Serangoon. We walked about 20mins to get to the interchange which seems to have removed that bus from the interchange LOL. So went backt o the mrt and trained home.

this is a random thought, but i've been to Sakae Sushi at least 3-4 times in 2 months with Dom. What do you expect when Sashimi is all he thinks of day and night. HAHAHAHA... not!
Waiting for dom and his brother in law hehehe to fetch nowwwww!!! byebyee!!
Btw tag pls! My blog feels very dead :(

Posted at 7:12 PM