Varsity: CHRISTMAS! My first???
Welcome :)

Hello. My name is Lili and i love the happy side of the world.
I'm a movie-addict but i don't watch television. I'm also a foodie and i have this habit of combing my hair a little too much. I aspire to be my own boss of a luxurious company some day in the near future.

Currently in Ngee Ann Poly, Diploma in Business Studies.

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Monday, December 28, 2009
CHRISTMAS! My first???
Date out of order :P

Well, this Christmas was the one which i did most, compared to my almost nth - or church or stay at home christmas previous years.

Ironically, by the time we reached the church, everyone was spilling out of it... i wanted to see how it is like! The seats soooooo interesting, like in the movies. Nth i've ever since. Waited for a little while before were drove to Bottle no, restaurant, with dom's family :)

There's this prawn fishing thingy there too :)

The heat would have killed if we walked from Yisjun mrt all the way there! Hey, maybe it really is a farm cos i saw some plantations, and some Tamya car track hahah. Food was........ above average :P

But you know what?! The crab BIT MY POOR LIP :(

Dom told me to bite the shell to crack it, get the meat out.

i followed.

I took the little black pepper leg, bit the leg, hear it crack open, and......................

closed on my lip..

I was OH NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO#(%&#"@()&@##()^&#( my first encounter with the crab like that!!!!! i didnt panick and i thought of what to do....

Bite thee crab some more? Maybe it will release my poor lip.
That was before i turned to dom and said "My lip stuck"

HAHAHAHAHAHAHA ownage........

I only managed to release it after bitting it again... sigh poor lili's lip. :(

Then kevin and us "took a walk" and ended up sitting on the swinging chair hehe. Ate my ice cream!!!! James drove us to Causeway point after that... supposed to take an mrt to City hall/Bugis after that, but we stayed after someone mentioned AVATAR!

The queue was like....$#^(##(^*#^(#^*$()* so ended up poor James driving us to bugis hahahaahha....

Sleep in the car was so wonderful :P Other than my neck getting craned!

Went to get my 6th month prezzie for dom <3>

So...... we kinda left dom and james together to play psp and bond while me and his sis went to shop for the gifts.... but we found them at the arcade instead!

I got a little unique musical box with the song "Stand by me". and vouchers :P One of a kind!

then! as they played this tokens game, which they had 20 tokens, and they won till 40-50 tokens...... guess what?!

they lost all! HAAHAHAHAHAHAAHAH too greedy is never good :P:P But what are the tokens used for since the machines need a card to function now? :O

Went home after that :)

Gonna go to ESCAPE THEME PARK now!!! With christina, jh and dom :D


Posted at 4:34 PM