Varsity: Double happiness
Welcome :)

Hello. My name is Lili and i love the happy side of the world.
I'm a movie-addict but i don't watch television. I'm also a foodie and i have this habit of combing my hair a little too much. I aspire to be my own boss of a luxurious company some day in the near future.

Currently in Ngee Ann Poly, Diploma in Business Studies.

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Monday, September 12, 2011
Double happiness
FINALLY dom is otw back to Singapore from Australia ^^

It was 5 looooooooooong days and nights without him and phew its finally over :D The next one would be in december, and its gonna be for 9 days :( sob while i'm working all the way.

can't wait too seeeeeee himmmmmmmmmmmmm!!! uh oh i sound like a kidddo again.

so my birthday present is " dom wrapped in a wrapping plastic sheet, tied with a ribbon with a helium balloon floating " hehehehe

random thoughts

Posted at 7:42 AM