Welcome :)

Hello. My name is Lili and i love the happy side of the world.
I'm a movie-addict but i don't watch television. I'm also a foodie and i have this habit of combing my hair a little too much. I aspire to be my own boss of a luxurious company some day in the near future.

Currently in Ngee Ann Poly, Diploma in Business Studies.

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Sunday, June 7, 2009
I've nth much to blog about, and my blog's gonna be dead.

Just been studying alot recently... (Not the 'try to study alot' terms as said by Nick), but really study haha.

Saturday was POA common test. It was held in the convention centre with air con! Slided through the whole test, i think i finished at 915am... with doing the work pretty carefully hahaha.
Good luck to all the results to the people who took the test :D

Went off to study with dindin and domdom after that. I bought my new loafers at bukit batok with recommendation from lyn haha. i love it :D even though i din really like loafers that much before.

It was quite funny in the library where the librarian kinda disturbed us 5 times in a row... from asking us to change our sitting positions, to not blocking the path way... to not charging my phone, to dom not blocking the path way and stuff.. hahaha

Went off to MAC for dinner after that and dindin went home... continued studying till the library closed. hah. thanks for accompanying me home^^ or rather i accompany you to my house HAHAHAHA.


Settled my stuffs online.. which took quite a number of hours.. and went to study again at Jurong east library w dom:D study... and study.... and study....

i finished reading my tutorial answers for business law! tried to see how to answer in the LAC format... then finished with 2 lectures worth in the textbook! :D

finally saw Ken's picture up in jurong east library too=) 2 of them some more...
Studied till library closed again and headed to burger king at IMM to have late dinner and finish studying haha. Reached home 11 sia. YESSS I STUDIED SUPER LOT TODAY :D

Of course with some minor distractions of course.

Posted at 9:28 AM