Varsity: February 2011
Welcome :)

Hello. My name is Lili and i love the happy side of the world.
I'm a movie-addict but i don't watch television. I'm also a foodie and i have this habit of combing my hair a little too much. I aspire to be my own boss of a luxurious company some day in the near future.

Currently in Ngee Ann Poly, Diploma in Business Studies.

My blogshop
Sherlyn lj
Sherlyn b
Please give me your link at the tagboard okay ^^ I lost all the previous links :(

layout | colours | icons | inspiration
Monday, February 28, 2011
Just realised my blog can't view more than 1 picture :O why ah

Posted at 8:03 AM

Pictures from 26 February 2011 - Gwen & Sebas ROM!

Brotherly love with a touch of romance hahahaha


Always hyper dog!

@ Chalet!


Unfinished decorations and competiting birthday decorations right directly opposite us X 2 birthdays

I love this theme!



Uhhh which finger??

Its certified!!!! ^^

Posted at 7:25 AM

Sunday, February 27, 2011
Principles of Marketing - ROM
Paper to PMKT didn't start of well at all, in fact it may be give you a laugh instead. Went in almost late for the paper, took a random seat, found out my name wasn't under the register and realised i was in the wrong examination room so took my things and ran to the next door classroom forgetting that the answer booklet shouldn't be with me until the teacher next door had to find me specifically to get it back lol.

Lucky still managed to do the paper. then yanting accompanied me after the paper to my bus stop and i rushed off to meet a customer! Everything so heavy... 5 jeans with me, dress to change to for the ROM, heavy camera, even heavier lens, make-up pouch, large pencil case, full water bottle, lugged everything to pasir ris and couldn't sit down till it was somewhere around bedok :(

Found my way to Coasta Sands Resort and slacked around, took the little Malty on a quick walk before he looked too thirsty and took him back. Then started taking pictures when the people came over to decorate the chalet with balloons, nice decorations to the table etc...

Never actually seen a how a ROM is like before.. but hardly seen anything since i only concentrated on snapping the pictures haha. So many ppl in a small chalet but the food was good. Went on a late walk before trying to rid of a little kid which includes running and hiding from him -.- and then got freaked out by ants bite so decided to go back to the chalet and slack around with monopoly deal :D

Malty was so poor thing.. lonely for so long in the room and then had to carry him inside a big bag after that... his head almost managed to pop out just before i managed to carry him into the taxi :3

Posted at 5:09 AM

Tuesday, February 22, 2011
Christina's Birthday celebration ^^
Let the pictures do the talking ^^

Happy birthday christina!~
i know you're reading this haha!
Enjoyable enjoyable and enjoyable... no need to take mrt home :D wahaha









On Valentines day, same place, same day, different week :D


@Japanese Cafe Vico City
The tarts are sooooo gorgeous!



Dessert while monopoly-dealing hehe.

On another non-occassion, Japanese buffet @ Jurong Point with Dom's family <3>Yummmmy... i will want to come back again soon :D some more so near! Replacement to Suki Sushi hehe Photobucket




thats's it people ^^

Posted at 1:01 AM

Saturday, February 19, 2011
I'm gonna do everything during my coming 6 weeks and 2 days break!
Everything that i cannot do due to school workload, schedule and etc...
movies i better reduce,
but i wanna go sentosa again,
do a few flea markets/bazaars,
expand my target reach whole year round plans,
outings with friends whom i haven met for long,
keep thinking of doing photoshoots like before and just get the feeling of selling clothes once more (so fun),
play mahjong,
play bridge and poker and monopoly deal,
get ready for my 3rd and last year in poly!
20 months arriving :) So blessed

Posted at 7:35 AM

Tuesday, February 15, 2011
Happy Valentines Day ^^
I didn't expect to have any surprises, I don't expect to be treated better just for this day, I didn't expect to have any celebrations at all because I am just so stressed out thinking of examinations.

Ended up i got a surprise visit from jh and dom under my block where for the second time, we played monopoly deal haha! Surprisingly, was able to meet Christina as well and we went to Sumo House to eat!

We separated after that... to go home and study and possibly meet up again in the evening for a dinner but yep... all we did was finish our hilarious romance comedy and i fell asleep soon after haha! so much for studying...

and then had a scrumptious dinner cooked by dom's mommy before heading downstairs to meet the two :D So shiok having a car... but the directions to somewhere, looking out for other drivers, looking out for car lots is simply too overwhelming for me to take :S I rather drive a Go-Kart, maybe with air con installed hahaha!

Ended up in Bakerzin and supposedly the Japanese Cafe where they offer really nice looking fruit tarts but after our meal at Bakerzin, it was already closed. Then i used my Starbucks card for the first time heh heh and 2 more rounds of monopoly deal before heading home :D

had so much fun talking talking and talking... back to primary school connections:
dom and christina - both switched primary schools so they were once in the same sch
then christina and i - same primary schools after she switched
kent ridge - jh, christina and i
poly - dom and jh same class.

The connections are just superb haha ^^ I always happen to know amazing stories of how some of my friends always happen to link to others etc... coolios

Posted at 8:08 AM

Sunday, February 13, 2011
Pardon my total lack of updating ;p
My horror week has finally ended, with a record of 3 presentations, 1 report, 1 executive summary, 1 e-portfolio, and 1 Q&A session of a project. I think this is considered my busiest of the busiest weeks in poly which i ever had with so many submissions due in a span of 5 days.
Presenting is like a normal thing now... i still get the jitters though but at least i feel that i have improved since day 1.
I'm happy with most of my bcomm grades! Almost all As except my long report writing which i'm dismayed about. My first C grade in a long time - tutor's so strict with the marking :s Happy with my writing business messages though.. got the top of the class. Maybe because I've sort of been writing everyday to customers, settling lots of complaints, and recently got sweared to by a customer. Business Communications always teaches me something good every semester!
And then one project which i really spent a lot of time on paid off! Hopefully well enough to achieve an A or higher... tutor says she like the originality ^^ Realised my mom is dealing with lots of L/Cs everyday too haha!
Haven't been going out much, but recent places were Resorts World Sentosa, Farmart, Marche and a few crab experiences ^^I learnt to eat so many new things since my poly life. And i just baked Chocolate truffles today and my family seems to really like it haha.
Its 3.oo am right now.. my images aren't uploading quick enough! Gotta ciao soon.
A wondering thought: I think I am better off studying Japanese than Chinese. Chinese is never meant for me. hehehe

Posted at 10:18 AM