Varsity: July 2009
Welcome :)

Hello. My name is Lili and i love the happy side of the world.
I'm a movie-addict but i don't watch television. I'm also a foodie and i have this habit of combing my hair a little too much. I aspire to be my own boss of a luxurious company some day in the near future.

Currently in Ngee Ann Poly, Diploma in Business Studies.

My blogshop
Sherlyn lj
Sherlyn b
Please give me your link at the tagboard okay ^^ I lost all the previous links :(

layout | colours | icons | inspiration
Wednesday, July 29, 2009

23 July 2009! <3

Posted at 9:25 PM


aRGH!!!!! more pissed off now. and i just blogged that i have no mood. LOL seriously everything's not going right. aRHHHHHHHHH!!!!!

anyway i'll be getting a new laptop. the mini one ^^ LG will be good but i'd most robably be getting lenovo.... HAH!

Posted at 9:20 PM


i love my name on your necklace and your name on my necklace :D

Posted at 6:23 PM

Saturday, July 25, 2009
I'm trying to study in dom's house now and i jsut got distracted... felt that my blog is really too slow moving haha..

1 month's pass since we have got together.... weet!

I cant help feeling that i need a job right now to stabilise my ever depreciating bank account this month. But the idea of work ughs me, and the restaurant which i had worked at before gives me phobia of working..Crap. Maybe attachment will be okay, and i hope so... or i'd have a hard time gg to work everyday :S And being 'allergic to work' once more.. Oh well... just hope that i will be able to have sufficient money soon :S

I have cravins to get lotsa jacketsd to wear everyday. Acid washed jacket, denim jacket, 3/4 jacket, informal blazer..... RAHH!!!!!! :D

Posted at 12:49 AM

Wednesday, July 22, 2009
I cant take much more stress or worry now...
Am already gonna fall sick.

i realised i'd feel hot when im stressed. seriously.. i need a break. projects is killing.
i've had enough.. almost...

Posted at 10:55 AM

Sunday, July 19, 2009
It is quite bad if a neighbours fancies you doesn't it?
For some of the obvious reasons and more....

haha oh well, i'll get over it :P

Today was a good day. Went over to dom's place and watched resident evil LOL. till i got bored with it and changed movie.
The doggy really did give me several scratches on my legs... my poor not-enough-vitamin C leg T.T

Studied later on and i chiong to finish my POA tutorial homework just before my laptop battery went flat and there wasnt any power point near me... heeeee

^^ I love sundays now.

Posted at 9:45 AM

Friday, July 17, 2009
Sometimes i wish i could save you........

I want you to be happy ytd, today and tomorrow. Let this phrase go on and on day by day :)

Posted at 3:38 AM

Thursday, July 16, 2009
dont try to hide your smile
AND SEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE........dom looks muchhhh much cuter when he smiles ^^ Another success !!!
Geraldine look like chaoda. hehehe. okay and i look really fat face here but i just like dom smile so i dont care :P

dindinnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn :D

i feel proud of myself. hehehe =)
Thankies wenxin for your smarty pants brains which helped me with the tutorial. Understand them totally now :D

Met Christina and Jh to watch Jh compete in Volleyball. Sad sia.. once me and dom come, then they din win :( Heeeeeeee finally met them both

LMS class now, there's a last assignment, but phew. Its just an essay. :)
And i jsut came back from break at Makan place with Steffi, Munirah and Denise. Eaten and im finally not hungry anymore!
Steffi's cheese fries is a sin. Putting them in front of me when im trying to be healthier. :( but the cheese fries tasted goody.
(dindin, your dress is very pretty ^^ )
And later gonna study in library from 12-6. PRO NESS :D i hope to finish all my homework due.

Posted at 6:57 PM

Wednesday, July 15, 2009
first off..... this week started out tough. But i love you guys GEMALIXIN once again for your worries and concern ^^ I din mention anything was wrong but somehow you got the msg hahhhh.. thanks for asking if i/we are alright and stuff. appreciated heeeeeeeeeee :D

im grateful you can accept who i am dear... cant really say much here but, <3 !

Lack of sleep + school workload stress + money stress = dont feel well. but i'm alright now :)

Mayni became sick... nick became sick... xinyi sick... and quite a few ppl sick! Get well soon people!!!!!!

Macroecons test's next tues.. and its kinda freaking me out. Its the two topics which i fair worse in all that i've learnt so far. Gonna chiong tmr and fri :D At least im doing smth to help myself right?

today was a complicated day. DSS project meeting was cancelled. Went to Alumni clubhouse to eat with yanting and caryn and mayni :D heeee we've yet to go out together and we must some time soon k =) Haha and i still owe caryn a choco fudge cake :P
Went to send mayni off at the bus stop and went back to our space to study. finished my poa... read 3/7 pages of my macroecons lecture notes only before i fell asleep :(

Brod called and told me he'd be coming with Clinny to NP to study. Random but okay.... haha NP nice right i know =) Wasnt much of a good host as its hard to juggle with so many thingys..... oh well..

DOM WEE & NICK YUE!!! What are you guys hiding from me????? T.T 2 weeks already oh my.... the suspense is really great. haaaaaaaa.

Accompanied xinxin for her korean classes to start :D Then Caryn came over and i figured she'd need some company as well or the wait is gonna be damn draggy and long...
i phoned dindin and she came along to have dinner with us.. heeeee goody gooody ppl ^^
ended up leaving school at 7. And sry nick for making you so late. hah.

and dommmyyyyyyyy thanks again for all the time spent going with me and stuff..... i dont wanna feel toooo bad about it thats why i keep asking you to go home first k=))))))))

heeee LOVES :D


to you1: I'd feel very troubled in your situation but i admire your strength in this tough time... keep going oki girl!!! you've my support and love... hehe.

Posted at 9:18 AM

Tuesday, July 14, 2009
WAHAAAA I LOVE THIS PIC!!!the doggy so cute... HAHAHAHA head extended out looking at me :P

heeeeeeeee one big eyes one long lashes o.O



Posted at 9:59 AM

Monday, July 13, 2009
happy =)

Posted at 2:43 AM

Friday, July 10, 2009

Nth much to update. but im gonna get my dancing shoes today with dom and nick, go wenxin's salon with GEMALIXIN, meet peiwen, sherlyn and shihao for dinner.

Tmr east coast park bbq for dance sports :D

Posted at 10:44 PM

Tuesday, July 7, 2009
I'm depressed :'(

Caught in between two sides

Posted at 10:25 AM

Sunday, July 5, 2009
heeeeeeee :D where dom?

My very first picture with this long lasting couple. hahaha ( i think)

It looks like a mixed family. hahahaha

O.o Nicki has 3 eyes!

2nd July NP bazaar ^^ Love you girlsss!

^^ SMILE ALRIGHT. hahaaaaa <3>
Oh well, i dissappeared for 2 whole nights as i was busying myself with a bazaar at Clarke Quay. Maanged to sleep only at 4am the past two nights but i've gotten my well deserved rest by waking up late on both days! Sales was good... and i feel like getting another bazaar for it. I'm liking my stocks available more and more down... =)

First night was a mess at the beginning with setting up. What with no table available for us, and only racks as our spacing. 7 people with just 2 chairs to sit. Where 1 chair actually belongs to 5 of us, namely, sherlyn and junhong, nick, dom and me. Thanks all for your help and accompany!!!!!

foul mood as usual while setting up store... lol i just cant stop busying myself in making the hangers look nicer and stuff.... a fake perfectionist. LOL
Made Nick and Dom pretty bored actually... lucky they still can walk around and stuff.... And thanks for buying food for us too ^^ couldnt catch the last train home, so waited for lyn's dad to come and fetch us... thanks lynny =)))) but nick walked home :S

Stayed and talked to dommy for awhile till 3 am haaaaaa... thanks Gloria and Joanna for coming by and purchasing from us too ^^ And also not forgetting the day before, my bazaar at Ngee Ann Poly, thanks to GEMAliXIN for your precious company as well ^^ Glad to have you guys as my dear friends =)))))

Day 2 was with Lyn and me only... and Nick joined us about 2 hours later... Thanks again for helping us buy Yoshinoya plus Burger king. hahaha i like their 6 inches thingy... i forgot what is it called again :) soooo had a couple of ang moh customers... glad i could handle them LOL. one indian lady was rude... but oh well.. Sad dom wasnt there.....

Chatted lots at the bazaar =)))) And lyn's dad fetched us home again....


Went out to study today at Jurong east with dom. Guess it turned out pretty bad at first... but i'm glad things changed? I just felt hopeless that time ... i dont really know how to cheer you up. haaaa ended up at IMM to eat... change atmostphere.. and cheer up. I tried the samble noodle which indeed scared me at first when i saw the color of the noodles. It was RED. HAHAHAH looks like it could kill me , but it turned out tasting pretty good! And not that spicy hoooooooooo :D So experiment with new food 1 was a success. hah!

Went back to library to study, and i online shopped for dom. HOOO :D started my work pretty late... but im glad things were gg well again .... =) Studied till library closed and dom was feeling like a monster so he went to eat again :D Which is actually a good thing for me HAHAHA. bus-ed homeeeeeeee..

Waaaaaa he''s damnnnnnnnn EVIL. Keep arm wrestling me... making me lose ... but i can win two hands HAAAAAAA i think. :S i bet my arms gonna ache tmr. LOL. Okay this is super random but we did just that LOL. I learnt a couple of muay thai moves as well, like hitting ppl's stomach. (like real, this is just my style)

Thanks dear for sending me home <33333333333333

Posted at 9:25 AM

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Will be having a bazaar later on today.... sleepy like crap =(
3rd and 4th July 2009
Venue: Clarke Quay Central Fountain
Time: 6pm - 12midnight or 1am. (Depends)
Sooooooooooooooooo... just come :)

Posted at 6:30 PM