Varsity: August 2009
Welcome :)

Hello. My name is Lili and i love the happy side of the world.
I'm a movie-addict but i don't watch television. I'm also a foodie and i have this habit of combing my hair a little too much. I aspire to be my own boss of a luxurious company some day in the near future.

Currently in Ngee Ann Poly, Diploma in Business Studies.

My blogshop
Sherlyn lj
Sherlyn b
Please give me your link at the tagboard okay ^^ I lost all the previous links :(

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Saturday, August 29, 2009
firstly, a very BIGGGGG NEWS.
(I haven gotten over the fact that i can stop studying for 7 weeks :D)

EXAMS HAVE ENDED AND IM OFFICIALLY RELEASED FROM THE TEDIOUS MONOTONOUS DAYS OF STUDYING EVERYDAY..... and waking up from sleep then worrying about finishing with the studies every moment im awake. But of course my baby made it better for me and relieved some stress too :D

And for Mayni who helped me with a couple of things to clarify and stuff!

Straight away after my last paper which was POA, i had a movie... and then went off to my Clarke Quay bazaar once more. Another good try... Was supposed to tonn the night at Clarke Quay with a couple of dear people and it turned out a mess and we were deadly tired. well, someone was probably looking forward to gg online. haha.

so i stayed over at dom's house for the night. Tried to complete the movie that we were watching initially but i guess we gave up and slept. Which was like close to 7am????? LOL had a 6 hours sleep and dumb cramps came :( It was noon plus when i woke .... and yay!! almost finished another 2 movies hahaha.

I had itchy fingers again and thus started frying 4 eggs and 4 bread LOL. which i've never done other than in my lessons during secondary school. Had a nice hot bath before heading for the bazaar once again today evening. i felt in a better mood to sell today but sales wasnt looking optimistic. Of course i was kept awake with sherlyn's continuous rambling hehehe..... a pretty amazing story..... all the best :D lalalalala

nick came over. with no msges, no news, no nth. he just suddenly popped up in front of us. lol. had a couple of interesting stories to share and stuff. i feel sad. I haven been communicating with many people the pass days, and a few weeks. It aint doing good to my health. I would really want this holidays to be spent with all the people i would love to meet!!

Priority are mainly those who i failed to meet last hols which includes,
Christina and gang..
Fangyi and.... well gang...
And a meet up with Clara whom i haven met for a year or two ? :O

Cherry and maybe dance sport people too? :D i haven seen marie and jaivin for so long already!
Sports camp people! Weifang, Steffi???, Nick, Keli, Gavin, Dom...
And maybe CYRUS outing? but someone's gonna plan it .... LOL

and i really do hope gemalixin would be able to meet up alot too this hols! I miss you guys and the times we spent together! :(

And.... omg my brain is failing for the night. who else have i not met?

I shall rest for now :D going for a shoot this coming monday! I would really loveeee to spend this whole holidays wisely, make my business even better.. work harder on it.. and also to socialise. working.... haha i hope i will be abnle to work a slack job. Any job to introduce? HEHEHEHE

Posted at 10:39 AM

Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Ohhhh houndstooth jacket will be DAMN COOOOOLxsxzzzz too.

When can i ever get them T.T

Today..... WAS GREAT :D Spent my whole time right from 9plus am in the morning till 6pm plus studying macroecons.
Haaaaa studied 7 chapters and left with remaining 2 only :D:D:D WOHOOO :D

Feeling stressed still. :O

Haaaa the acid washed jeans which im selling at my blog now is super nice. I'm starting to think the light grey one is nicer HAHAHA.. weird thing is that the cutting feels diff :O

Posted at 8:55 AM

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

I cant seem to study WELL these past 2 days. Tmr really need to chiong alr. Hopefully i can finish up POA .... since keli may need help... and finish half of macroecons :(

I dont know why, everytime i start studying Management, i begin to fall asleep or get distracted by smth :S

And i cant seem to find any nice jackets even though i went to many shops today at Jurong point.

1. Pale blue denim jacket
2. Acid washed jacket
3. Black cotton jacket
4. Dark denim jacket.

NONE FOUND :D ARH! maybe far east will do the trick but seriously no time to play now sighhhhhhhhhhhh......

All the best to me with studying tmr T.T why am i stressed?

Posted at 9:04 AM

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Oh and im not going to let you off so easily <3
that was on National Day... where we just watched the last few seconds of the fireworks.... blocked by the trees LOL. Oh well... i'll catch it another time hahaha. it was yet again another good day. Its all going so well =)

Posted at 9:47 AM


This spells cute!
and the ironic thing is that i find him more *ahem, indecent :P
Oooops... im not supposed to defame you in my blog according to the defamation act through libel terms. HAHAHA i was busy studying business law the pass 4 days and im done with all the lecture notes WOOHOO!!! Left with the text now!

Went to the library to study today and finished Intellectual property + business ethnics.
I never knew copyright need not be registered as it just happens automatically. but copyright infringement can certainly cause you hell! And one important point i learnt from business ethnics which is vital to every business, since im doing a little business myself is to have honesty, integrity and do what is right ethically. It will cause you more profits in the long term ^^ I pretty much like this two topics!

Alright im really being random here.. but yes! No school again tmr.
I will be studying... and i've just found a few websites that i need to explore in detail.

I read some emails from my ex-teacher and came upon an audio which i listened for quite some time. Every bit of the information was inspirational and useful.... i had thought about changing the way things are running with my online business. i do not have the direction on where to go to, and i finally found quite some help there!

I'm gonna treasure this very bit of info and help.. and see what i can do about it. Feeling quite messed up now though. I'm gonna sleep now before i cant wake up on time tmr to study :P


Posted at 9:27 AM

School ended pretty fast today.
POA hours was spent facebooking, tagging and lotsa stupid socialising stuff which wont do any good to my grades but i couldnt help it.
DSS luckily, i set my mind to listening. although i couldnt catch up initially due to some distraction as usual on the internet, i managed to follow mostly :D Sad news is that there is DSS test this friday! :(

And im feeling hungry noww...... i want my bun + sausage + scrambled eggs + bacon + cheese + milo... and i want chicken rice. LOL.

Am gonna study soon, and concentrate well i hope. guess what... after a long 3/4 - 1 year..... IM GONNA TOUCH MY ELECTRONCI ORGAN NOW!!!!!!

Posted at 12:40 AM

Monday, August 10, 2009
I have no school today so cheers ^^
Went to meet baby for breakfast before gg to school with him and then turning back to trim my hair. And indeed, its really to trim, cos there arent be any significant difference other than my fringe which doesnt block off my two eyes anymore. :O

Its the 15th day.... about something which is worthing being happy about :D Haha im enjoying everyday , of life now...

i was gluded to studying almost the whole afternoon and evening yesterday, not forgetting the half an hour where i dozed off while just simply putting myself under the covers, having lotsa pillows plus bear at my foot or smth. Time really does fly wherever i go with him... arghhhhh

And doggy didnt manage to scratch me much ytd ^^Haha BUT i managed to pull its tail WEEHEEEEHEEEe. Now that im not scared of this doggy, im gonna bully it, cos it bullies me... chasing me around everywhere, leaving scratch marks on my poor deprived of Vitamin C legs plus disturbing me. Hahaaaaa oh well,,,, Mafia wars-ing now.

Just had Strawberry milk ^^ Back to doing whatever i feel like doing after this :D

Posted at 9:32 PM

Friday, August 7, 2009
Been out today with Nick, Weifang, kenneth and Dommmyyyy...
Watched 'UP' movie , and it was okay.... for a cartoon. dont really fancy cartoons but its still okay :D
Haha the doggy is super cute, the fat boy is fat but cute, the old man is like some grumpy little man who just wants to revive some of his deceased wife goals or smth like that.
Evil man is evil. Okay im typing nonsense. haha

bought a tweety bird pillow for nick :D Hahahaha the head can bop up and down!!! :D Of course it looks gay... bright yellow in color, pink packaging and stuff :D wooohoooo

they left soon after that. So went with Nick to find Keli, Lucas and ben.... who got Nick A BIKE FOR HIS BIRTHDAY. which is really omfg.... $410. LOL
I guess he was loss for words and touched but i had no kisses to see flying to his dear friends.. awww i so much want to see that. Only saw him hug. haha

Went to his house where he kept his bike. oh and nick's sister looks like nick LOL. a girly side of nick :D:D:D

After that with dommmmmy and nickyyyy we went to tanjong pagar to get our dance shoes. but it was closed. We just missed it by 15 mins!!!!!!! ARHHH!!!!! oh well... took a cab down to Great world city which nick have to be there for his birthday dinner. hah

had a good dinner... and home :D


Happy birthday again Nicky!

P.S My brother said Dom look like he puts eyeliner. LOL

Posted at 9:56 AM

Thursday, August 6, 2009
finally! i have the time to blog. Haaaaa and the reason why? It isn't good but, oh well! I will be skipping tmr's last lesson of LMS!!! YIPPPYY!! As its only 1 hour long and i have to climb the slope all the way to makan place to reach the classroom early in the morning, thinkin of that already urkes me. Oh well,,, hmm i hope steffi will be able to get my results for me! dont think she even knows my blog but thankiesss hehehe...

and WK was like,,,, guess he's gg for LMS, to see Mr Quek the last time LOL. like emo like that hahaha,.. and when i told him my reason for not gg, he say aiya, ask dom carry you to class, he wouldnt mind at all LOL. errrr dom will be dead by the time he reaches, and i wont allow that to happen :P Cos im basically obese in my standards which is the exaggerated form but i really do need to cut some weight down... of course not to the extreme measures as i can never resist ice cream (like the triple choco i wanted to eat but the uncle wasnt there :( ] and chocolates and lotsa my-frequent food!

But i plan to go swimming with sherlyn (surprise!) plus jogging with dommmmy and maybe gym which will be quite unlikely but also possible. hahaha enough of persuading me to go swimmingggg!!!!!!

Days are good. Just that, i give ppl this weird aura now... i dont feel like talking at all... when you talk to me, i will sound okay. normal, and even hyper! but when no one's talking to me, i'd rather keep quiet. Is it due to stress --> exams? It cant be PMS / CMS / AMS anymore... i dont know whats wrong but i basically do not have much mood to get hyper and everything...

oh its 1238am,

Chappy the Bunny.
WOOOO!!! Hope you get lotsa wishes and happiness tonight and tmr , plus lotsa kisses from xinlin. wahahahahaha :D:D:D:D:D

going out with nick, weifang and dommy tmr :D haha a very mini cyrus group!

Posted at 9:32 AM

Sunday, August 2, 2009
Okay i cant believe this but im really gonna have 3 Acer laptops at home O.o
Acer fan uh.... i meant to get lenovo.... till Acer for its color (I'm so needing a red netbook), 2gb up from 1gb came.

Yes its a netbook LOL. its like acting cute in school. but oh well... my muscles ache everyday with carrying my current lappy.. hehehe im gonna stop suffering with the weight!!!

POA lecture right now and im gonna create new blog for dommyyy weeee <33333 hahaha

I'm soooo looking forward to studying. do i sound crazy? for the main reason that i feel an ounce of my brain is utilised and crammed with good knowledge (not dirty) and i feel a level up...
Studying does train your mind to think in different perspective. It has taught me to weigh different options and studying isnt only about studying. thats why subjects like social studies and history come along...

You state your stand, weigh your answers which forces you to think. It applies practically as real life does need you to weigh options :D

heeee and it just goes on, im just lazy to think right now.

Having been updating cos i have not been having enough free time. After a very destructive quarrel (again) , i have this curfew of 7pm. But i have already broke it, it guess i will keep to 830pm instead on WEEKDAYS. sigh and slightly later on weekends.

And once again, i dont know why but it will kill if i dont get to spend everyday with dommyyy :(
Even a little while is sufficient not to kill... maybe i know why.... cos im just that sort. that will need time alot togetherr.

Posted at 9:17 PM