Varsity: December 2009
Welcome :)

Hello. My name is Lili and i love the happy side of the world.
I'm a movie-addict but i don't watch television. I'm also a foodie and i have this habit of combing my hair a little too much. I aspire to be my own boss of a luxurious company some day in the near future.

Currently in Ngee Ann Poly, Diploma in Business Studies.

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Thursday, December 31, 2009

2010 IS HERE!!!!!!!!!

a brand new number.... a brand new year... and a brand new life experience! :D


!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! <3
May you be filled with lotsa hugs and kisses tmr, hopefully pies and ice creams to your face and a great year ahead. hehehe

SERIOUSLY! whats wrong with me!

I almost replied someone HAPPY BIRTHDAY when she/he wished HAPPY NEW YEAR, and almost replied MERRY CHRISTMAS too! LOOOOL.

Posted at 8:40 AM

Finally a free day out on wednesday after a really busy holiday! It feels good meeting up with several people during this two weeks break though :D

Spent my day with dom, firstly at Sakae Sushi to start off the day! Met late so we could catch up our bauty sleep :) My eye bags are really horrible :( Its been like that for so long yet no one says anything!!! Good friends i have... hahaha.

So basically; our food we love. Salmon for him and Egg for me :)))

*Yum yum ^^


Afte that, rushd to see the AVATAR! Queued for sooooo long and missed 10 mins of the show : Just have to watch the front part online then!

ITSSSSS..............GDAMN NICE!!!!!! Though blue ppl are still blue ppl, they were originally human. heheheh well some.

Normal story plot with best graphics and imagination. The director took 13 years?!?!?!!? to make that movie. and acting just a year and a half :O

went off to meet someone after that and got my JUMPER !!! my first ever jumper hehehehe fro charlotte russe. Its not bad :) just afraid its low cut.... my bf wouldnt like, and i wouldnt like hahaha.

went home after that... sry fr dragging you around :( your body had a temper and made you feel worse! :(


A random day today. watched a random movie, and slacked around. Before i knew it, its alr time to go home. Met Christina by coincidence at the mrt and chatted for a little while before heading home :)

is 1 minute to year 2010!

may it be a blessed and marvelous year ahead! <3

Posted at 6:45 AM

Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Escape Theme Park!

It was a ..................... blast :D

End result was 4 tired people in the train home looking half dead haha.

Junhong literally spammed go-kart rides. Well, at least i took 4 rides by the end of the day with at least a total wait of 3 hours!

1st ride was an individual ride. I was the first to go off and last to came back. manz. haha thanks to waiting for some tiny fellow who didnt wait for me in the end.

2nd ride, a double rider :D Domm drove me haha! and after which, he injured his same toe, YET AGAIN, so i DROVE HIM! for 2 more times. WAHAHAHA so niceeee :)

As jh was a little too obsessed with the go-karts, dom and i went off to the haunted house on our own. I wasnt wearing my specs, couldnt see any crap inside. i was scaring myself looking in the dark. Black - red- black - red.a body in an operation table i think. and some guy in the jail struggling. it did justice though, I WAS SCARED. hahahaha

Went off to a cozy ride at the ferris wheel after :D noticed the absense of soooooooo many rides! No wonder the price's half price now!

It was wet, all wet, for the person sitting behind. We even had to dump our bags in the same boat that was soaked with water cos we didnt know! :( My pooooor new bag! and my keychain hanging on it. and a little baby hanging on dom's!

Bumpy boat ride..... it depics life. How life can be so smoooooth .... and rough later on. Climbing up the high ladder, slowly, bracing oneself for the tough journey down and the IMPACT!
that was what it felt like.... =)

Poor dom got his SAME TOE injured again. And our poor slippers, it came out. But maanged to put it back in , in the end (phew). Had to help the disabled after that such as driving him in the go-kart :P and helping him walk everywhere else.... hehe

VIKING SHIP was as good as a puking source of warmth. DARN!!! just the starting was enough to make me feel afraid of puking over everyone :P So much of screams as we sat at the top of the ship. And we never took that ride again. HAHA

Little roller coaster. It certainly looks deceiving, like it can never hurt anyone.


It hurts when its riding at full speed and changing direction, when you're zooming down! haha but its good =)

Want to have Sakae Sushi before going home, but i was afraid of getting scolded. (late) so we headed home straight then!

Cant wait for AVATAR 3D tmr :D <3

Posted at 6:30 AM

Monday, December 28, 2009
CHRISTMAS! My first???
Date out of order :P

Well, this Christmas was the one which i did most, compared to my almost nth - or church or stay at home christmas previous years.

Ironically, by the time we reached the church, everyone was spilling out of it... i wanted to see how it is like! The seats soooooo interesting, like in the movies. Nth i've ever since. Waited for a little while before were drove to Bottle no, restaurant, with dom's family :)

There's this prawn fishing thingy there too :)

The heat would have killed if we walked from Yisjun mrt all the way there! Hey, maybe it really is a farm cos i saw some plantations, and some Tamya car track hahah. Food was........ above average :P

But you know what?! The crab BIT MY POOR LIP :(

Dom told me to bite the shell to crack it, get the meat out.

i followed.

I took the little black pepper leg, bit the leg, hear it crack open, and......................

closed on my lip..

I was OH NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO#(%&#"@()&@##()^&#( my first encounter with the crab like that!!!!! i didnt panick and i thought of what to do....

Bite thee crab some more? Maybe it will release my poor lip.
That was before i turned to dom and said "My lip stuck"

HAHAHAHAHAHAHA ownage........

I only managed to release it after bitting it again... sigh poor lili's lip. :(

Then kevin and us "took a walk" and ended up sitting on the swinging chair hehe. Ate my ice cream!!!! James drove us to Causeway point after that... supposed to take an mrt to City hall/Bugis after that, but we stayed after someone mentioned AVATAR!

The queue was like....$#^(##(^*#^(#^*$()* so ended up poor James driving us to bugis hahahaahha....

Sleep in the car was so wonderful :P Other than my neck getting craned!

Went to get my 6th month prezzie for dom <3>

So...... we kinda left dom and james together to play psp and bond while me and his sis went to shop for the gifts.... but we found them at the arcade instead!

I got a little unique musical box with the song "Stand by me". and vouchers :P One of a kind!

then! as they played this tokens game, which they had 20 tokens, and they won till 40-50 tokens...... guess what?!

they lost all! HAAHAHAHAHAHAAHAH too greedy is never good :P:P But what are the tokens used for since the machines need a card to function now? :O

Went home after that :)

Gonna go to ESCAPE THEME PARK now!!! With christina, jh and dom :D


Posted at 4:34 PM

Thursday, December 24, 2009
Christmas Eve
Meant to reach Kovan mrt to meet Caryn, Mayni and the rest for Christmas Party at 3pm, but only managed to reach at 645pm!

Went to Cold storage to get poker decks as Mayni requested and took a little while to find Caryn's house hehe... Dom and I were greeted at the gate by a few princesses and prince when we finally reached haha!
So sweeet ah waiting for us at the gate hahaha!

Went around her house and saw FOOOOOD! :D Then piano which Cheryl and Caryn meddled with. Justin definitely do NOT look like A Grade 7 pianist. hohoho!

Eating time was the best, in my short 1 and a half hour visit to her house which took twice the time travelling to and fro hahaa. SUSHI! FISHBALLS! CHICKEN WINGS! PIZZAAAAA!

and i like the longan with almond :D

Poor Zhanxian became the Maria for a little while under the hold of his Madam Caryn. It was a funny sight watching him being ordered around lmao.

watched L4D2 a little while after our scrumptious dinner! Okay i wanna play ehhhhh =))))) Then gifts exchange, but i think only me and dom took first since we're leaving already. True to the Madam's words, i got her present when i fished out her name haha. a box of Fazer Peppermint chocolates!!!! ^^ And dom fishy fished! & got a Red packet from Jim as he sorta "thought its shopping together at the same time for present". haha

Journey home was a sleepy and a little adventurous one. Dad msged me to go to Hougang or Serangoon to get a direct bus home. So i chose Serangoon. We walked about 20mins to get to the interchange which seems to have removed that bus from the interchange LOL. So went backt o the mrt and trained home.

this is a random thought, but i've been to Sakae Sushi at least 3-4 times in 2 months with Dom. What do you expect when Sashimi is all he thinks of day and night. HAHAHAHA... not!
Waiting for dom and his brother in law hehehe to fetch nowwwww!!! byebyee!!
Btw tag pls! My blog feels very dead :(

Posted at 7:12 PM

Wednesday, December 23, 2009




I had a great great great time staying over! =)))


Sunday pics, not much as i forgot to take :P

Was wondering how are we gonna squeeze 10 people in a room with just a bed the next day. haha (turned out okay :D)

OTW to chalet.

Monday morning i left as early as 945am but only to reach the chalet at 1230pm. Met dom at the mrt and had breakie!

Baby bought this thing for us when an angmoh guy came over to sell.... they are lovely :) Its actually a keychain, this pic is just the wrapped hahaha. good heart :)

Mayni and Caryn reached the chalet in the noon. Sat around at first, ate some food, and then went cycling! Haha wanted to get the 2 seater bike but din :( cycled back after 1 hour with dom and we lost our way!

Going back. From the stairs part, we cycled for another 15 mins supposedly to head back to the resort, but ended up in square one HEHEHEHE. Doofus~

founded our way back in the end and returned the bike 13 mins late LOL but the lady was kind enough not to charge again. Then Gavin and friend came, plus Nick and Keli.

Water game. water fun. It got a few wanting to puke and feeling so bloated haha. Mayni and caryn can win the contest for peeing the most LOL. Every card that we draw, we had to drink more than 1 cup towards the end of the game. That was the significant game for the night!

Movie time. Ate bbq food and stuff, watched a horror movie. Like a room filled with people, peering into a one single laptop screen made better by dom''s bro's speakers haha! ITs to bad there wasnt english subtitles to it, and the one that has it isnt scary!

Ended up sleeping like 3am when i wanted to movie marathon but fell asleep :P

Tues noon.

chicky rice was brought back to us by nick and keli :D Bathed (hehe) and went out for LAN. L4D LOL. Played probably more than an hour before heading to white sands shopping mall to eat!

Walked all the way back where it started raining again but we made it!

Baby surprised me with these; ^^

With a tree and another box :)

Started decorating the tree together!


From this little tree


to putting the pink garland then
to bells


and 6 little Jujus!!!!!!


Our end product with Kinder Santa on it!!



And my lovely musical cake from my beloved =)))))


I was so excited that i immediately put them up in my room when i reached home ^^

you wanted to make it a good christmas for me, and you did =)

Well, the night was done with and i had to head home. Was exhausted and i managed to sleep soundly in the train! My first and number 1 and currently best chalet i've ever been to which i stayed over :)

so, a final and best picture:)





Posted at 3:56 AM

Friday, December 18, 2009

i just looked at the time and it says 4.44 p.m.
Usually, seeing either 3 or 4 numbers at the same time speaks some coincidence. Some even say that these numbers actually mean something.
11.11 , 4.44 pm. does it?

11.11 is supposed to be lucky, or make a wish, it doesnt happen.
4.44 is unlucky, but i dont feel any difference at all, or it may once again be coinciidence if something bad happens.

Wishes come true at times, if you work for it. So these arent really considered as "Wishes do come true" ...... right?

Bad luck
happens the whole day at times, does it mean that "I did something wrong."?

I dont believe in any of this so far due to the fact that it is never consistent. When my wishes are really granted, they may actually be pure luck.

And there comes "Luck". Do you really get lucky alot in a day at times? Is it luck or is it again pure coincidence? :O

Life, is about questions.

Posted at 12:47 AM

Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Time to bloggy blog on my blog :D

EXAMS HAS ENDED. RIGHT! Ended. With a BIG E! Ended.

Enough of studying =))))) Actually exam period this time round is the slackest for me hahahahaha..... barely studied for it when it was nearing exam and it cheered me to when the pappers were managable. I hope i can do well, or i'd be quite disappointed in my results again.

All my projects are of B+ standard, few tutorss telling my group that "WE....almost made it."
Right, ALMOST. Thought our presentations were much better this time round, but competition in the class is of a high standard.

Now that its hols, i've some things planned on :D

Last Sunday, i was actually out with May PS, hahahaha shopping around (though i dont like it) when i actually needed to study for ITB. Well, at least there's a day's time out with her, but no pictures :O

Tomorrow will be going out with Sherlyn before she flys off! Wahahaaaa looking forward to sitting down in the theatre LOL. rest time~

Then, within this week, i gotta get stocks to update on my blog, with qunlin, dawn and caryn's request :D So, expect bags and jackets. My current likes =)

Saturday, out with the CATs people :D Bubu, Stoofi, Guru :)

i decided to stay in school to wait for dom today, to watch my new moon which has been overdued for like a ...... 2 weeks? hahaha. And SAKAE AFTR THAT!!!!! ^^ Looking forward =)

and then... comes the busy week, sat - tues will be spent around chalet. Daddy let me stay over :D:D:D:D:D Wed gotta go out with mom to make my passport, which is kinda like expiring soon. Well, actually hope that i can travel to johor with baby soon :P Like, somewhere outside SG pls???? :( Its getting really boring here!

After which, will be christmas eve. AT CARYN'S HOUSE!!!!! =))))) I can expect good company and fun that day. And christmas, church. HAHAHAHAHA just to accompany dom :)

WAAAAA sounds like a huge load of fun in the short hols :))))) Finally brightened up my moody atmostphere from ytd!

Old picture i just grabbed from dom's com :P so nice house right :P

i like ^^

Posted at 12:51 AM

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Am i crazy? i think i am slightly crazy, but not too crazy..... but still i am crazy to think that i am crazy enough so much that mayni and yanting think that im extremely crazy but i still think that i am a LITTLE crazy only.....

YESS!!! this post is about craziness and its effect on the long run. Along the long run production curve, the products of craziness is that you manipulate your own thinking! you think that people are tinking about "A." but actually its alll the way at "Z". you dont think right anymore.

So the variable here is....... the level of craziness! in the short run product curve of the craziness, the lowest point will hit the tangent of the long run curve. There's the steepest slope you can ever go.

Lets say, you get the mean of the level of craziness in a sample of 5 people. To get the craziness average of ALL the people (population), you have to get the mean of the craziness of the population as well!!
So you times the population mean and the sample together, to get the mean

Population craziness X Sample craziness = CRAZINESS you can never imagine!

No way, i cant turn into an introvert or it will ruin me! I neeed to be myself :O

Posted at 10:22 PM

Sunday, December 6, 2009
Within a short span of a few months, I've changed.
Vary of the world, the people and judgment.

Its hard to tell everyone everything about yourself, its hard to tell even a few all about yourself, where judgments are bound to be made. I've lost trust in many, gained trust in only a few.

Why do i see through people's thoughts and manipulate them.

Posted at 11:40 PM