Varsity: June 2010
Welcome :)

Hello. My name is Lili and i love the happy side of the world.
I'm a movie-addict but i don't watch television. I'm also a foodie and i have this habit of combing my hair a little too much. I aspire to be my own boss of a luxurious company some day in the near future.

Currently in Ngee Ann Poly, Diploma in Business Studies.

My blogshop
Sherlyn lj
Sherlyn b
Please give me your link at the tagboard okay ^^ I lost all the previous links :(

layout | colours | icons | inspiration
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
The reason why i should always regain my composure quick is because i know that at the end of the ordeal, its definitely going to be fine again.

It wasnt nice quarreling twice since 24th june. I hope there is nth big coming up again.
I woke up real early today to surprise dom and it worked! :D I knew it is the one action which will solve a morning's mess!!! and i was forgivennnnnnnnnnn yayyyy!! ^^

Was held back by IS today.. supposed to end at 1pm but we only finished setting it up at 1pm and i left at 3pm instead -.- so hot some more.. lucky i completed my jounin exam (ninja saga) with the help of dom and another guy who was at the booth with us.

Another IS group was selling choco brownie (woooo^^), egg tart and choco tart (yummmmmmmm!) it was heavenly! chicken rice and watermelon to complete my breakfast, lunch and dinner haha!

Its a total random post. Oh no i dislike submissions. make me feel so messy :S

Posted at 7:29 AM

Friday, June 25, 2010
I'm supposed to blog about our 1st year anniversary... smth happy, but today turned out to be sucky at the very end.

so fuck it. and fuck the two days and fuck everything

Posted at 8:57 AM

Wednesday, June 23, 2010
IS project today! Colored the banner and that was all we did haha. the rest will be done at home.

Watched "Race to Witch mountain" today... not bad show esp. for a disney movie which i thought would be quite childish, but definitely not la. Its like so entertaining and nerve wrecking haha.

I ate lamb chop today!!! I haven eaten since goody long years ago cos i always dread these kinda "tough cuts" of meat. haha passed half of my vege to dom to eat. i hate brocolli !!!

Took a cab home today.. lucky it wasnt a black cab, but a silver cab. managed to get home real quick.

andddddddddddddddddddddd its midnight now. it means!!!!!!!! IT IS 24 JUNE =)))))))))))

Happy 1st year anniversaryyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
heheheheheh ^^

My prezzie.... isnt even completed yet though :( maybe i'll delay by one month LOL.
though we're gonna celebrate our 1st year anniversary together tmr, we decided to meet chris and jh too since we didnt manage to meet for quite some time already. Gonna have Suki sushi buffet at Cineleisure :D

and night safari at nightttttttt!! weeee finally have chance to wear my new dress out hehe.

Posted at 9:51 AM

Sunday, June 20, 2010

I haven't shopped outside for the whole day since.....a quarter year or half year ago! hahaha and i think today was enough to last me for another few weeks/months. So tiring to walk around so much, we were so worn out at the end of the day. We saw many interesting things though :D

My boyfriend still being a baby, bought a toy hammer from TOYS R US which will be a "CHEE-KA-BIONG" sound when hammered. He kept hitting my head till i got a little dizzy LOL. I like the extendable robot hand found also in toys r us. Its quite sueful and strong actually, i can grap dom's shirt, my whole wrist, other toys hahahaha we spent basically an hour over there hehehehe. Thanks to him who said he will bring childhood back to me. almost wanted to scare a kid with a fake cockroach but aiya!!! their moms confirm always not far from them. hahaha saw a cute little boy of the day too, dresses in formal and small little adidas shoes. haha so cute face!!

Wanted to find daiso but couldnt in the end. Stopped halfway to see the military 6 man band marching throughout VIVO with their there drumming which caught a lot of attention. *miss my band days.

then then then... i had super cravings for chocolates and we bought 4 bars WOOHOO!!!! i just placed one bar beside my laptop's ventilation and it totally melted -.- acer's heating power is as high as being able to fry an egg hahaha

BOUGHT A SUPER DUPER VERSATILE, CAN BE WORN MORE THAN 100 ways magic scarf too ^^ ITS LIKE SUPER DUPER HOLY CRACK ASS NICE MAN!!!! ^^ I mean, the number of ways it can be switched from scarf, to a cardigan, to a jacket, to a blablabla :)

so niceeeeeeeeeeeee today <3

Posted at 8:27 AM

Saturday, June 19, 2010
Today passed by in a flash. I feel that the past few days had just gone by as though it was just a day or two. I just got to thinking about my projects that i better start doing them or else!, my desired gpa will be gone. Next week so stressful :( I have not a single day not planned out, or rather, two is planned to slack and regain energy for school.

Looking forward to tuesday hanging out with the girls and i dont know who else is coming to the cafe, thurs our 1st anniversary and sat johor trip with my family. I mean its so full of things coming that i feel so packed!!!

Okay i'm always complaining im so busy but i hate it when im too bored with nothing to do.

Just got in contact with a blog editor who agreed to help me with my blog layout ^^ So thankful and greatful for that. Have been thinking alot how to expand my business, and roughly came up with some ideas :))

I probably have to make an overseas trip to prepare for an event, hopefully it will turn out good :)

Posted at 9:51 AM

Friday, June 18, 2010
Accompanied my brother to Lasalle today. It isnt a good reason to go there cos it really is..... shit.
I hope there's a good photopgrahy school overseas that really suits him so he can finally study something he excels in.

Walked 8 hours today with him today! Lots of wondering around some more even with ken's leg limping lol. Played iluma arcade today too ^^ and lost of course :X Wanted to watch movie but there wasnt anything else left nice to watch.

Went through some camera shops and stuff, quite a good day actually.


I didnt meet dommy today :(

Posted at 9:15 AM

Monday, June 14, 2010
Yesterday was so disturbing :(
Feel so guilty for so many things, so many bad tihngs happened to me ytd =((((

Couldnt wake up at 745am today to meet my customer... woke up at 10 instead.. im gonna be a goood person and come home early today plus do my favourite; cooking ^^
probably do up EBA database as well

Posted at 9:34 PM

Saturday, June 12, 2010
My first time using a nut cracker to crack the crab's shell cos i darent eat crab before, but its my 4th time eating with dom :D

Overslept today and thus all our plans were pushed back! Ate japanese food at raffles shopping centre and walked pass a jewelry shop!

Dom spotted a pair of gold and silver two layer heart earrings and we ended up choosing it as a birthday present for dom's mommy haha and then goodness golly, the cashier introduced a matching set of necklace and we ended up buying both! I changed the necklace chain though, (its nicer hehehehehe)

Went swimming today as well and shopping for some things and i bought a cute frog-shaped egg frying pan ^^ So cute man! time for more cooking for me :D:D:D:D:D

So many things done today woohooo!!

Posted at 9:10 AM

Friday, June 11, 2010
Finally the end of exams :)
EBA turned out pretty good ! While HRM really sucked for me. CMA and FMGT were fine too =)) Just hope i can still clinche a GPA of 3.6 and above for this sem....

Specialism wise; my decision was an abrupt one. I picked entreprenuership initially due to what i portray "a more slack course" but towards the closing day, i went "screw it!". My life as a student should be used to be really shagged anyway and not like its some kinda kindergarden. I thought that i should major in something which will be more practical in business and something which will be able to help me.

Studying for exams was so demanding this whole week, but i was still thinking of what ways to improve my blog haha. managed to squeeze in some time to take pictures of some of my updates and thus once again, my holidays is pretty much planned out even before it started.

Is it me or am i really that busy, or i just like to make myself busy so that i wouldnt waste my life over doing nth.
12 june - Dom's mommy bday celeb
13 june - Buffet/dinner with family
14 june - Project work and sign new contract of my phone plan (and phew, say bye to my current super old phone)
15 june - High ropes element (can get CCA point ^^) and dine says she wanna go out after that!
24 june - 1st year anniversary celeb ^^
26 june - Family trip to Desaru, Johor. (hope my brother recovers on time if not so boring!!!!)
26 june - Laser quest (:(((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((( i really wanna goooo!!!!)

and so many moreeeee - i wanna go to johor, and needa get some stuffs there as well, i wanna go to my iluma arcade after so long, i wanna do so many things!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2 weeks of holidays only!!! =((((((((((

& its time to bath now haha~ random

Posted at 8:08 AM

Thursday, June 10, 2010
LAST PAPER TMR, and HOLIDAYS =))))))))))))))))))))
Have i looked forward to holidays this much in so long?!?!

It may be due to having 4 common tests instead of 3 which really is, drying me. you know, my day today was spent studying from 130pm till 145am. With lunch break, dinner break (with studying), and 45 mins movie timing where i couldnt take it anymore :S

Gosh, as much as EBA seems more interesting to me now, it really is so hard to study so many days!!!!

This month wasnt a really good month either. So many upsetting things, quarrels but a highlight to this month is the HIGH-5 dash a few of us did together! Here's the video :))

We're reaching our 1st year anniversary :) a 69th storey view?

Posted at 10:44 AM

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

I placed the photographs in sequence, so it should tell you the story on what happened on dom's birthday celebration :)

It went great thanks to this bunch of people around which i've to thank for. Mainly for making that day a success and a high morale for me ^^ And also a very good day for dom in case you guys wanna know :P
What the pics are missing is the dinner session. At japanese food street (POMO) and Tau huey session haha!
Happy birthday dommy ^^
super late post i know. heh

Posted at 8:24 AM