Varsity: September 2009
Welcome :)

Hello. My name is Lili and i love the happy side of the world.
I'm a movie-addict but i don't watch television. I'm also a foodie and i have this habit of combing my hair a little too much. I aspire to be my own boss of a luxurious company some day in the near future.

Currently in Ngee Ann Poly, Diploma in Business Studies.

My blogshop
Sherlyn lj
Sherlyn b
Please give me your link at the tagboard okay ^^ I lost all the previous links :(

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Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Yanting and Caryn!


Where we stayed for the few hours that we were there... :)




Nice face HAHAHAHA


I like the background ^^


her $9 drink menu LOL






I have an indecent boyfriend :P

I'm waiting ffor photobucket to upload them nw.. its taking a long long time. haha

Posted at 9:04 PM

Super happy for the past 2 happy days =)))
Went out with Caryn, Yanting, Clifford, dom and me for Caryb's Birthday today :D
Played bridge at palawan beach with them, and then the waters! !! Haha Unfortunately, Caryn couldnt be carried to the waters and b thrown insid. I was instead carried and dropped "ACCIDENTALLY" into the waters by Dom bleah and got all wet. T.T

clifford splashed water onto my hair which totally killed my promise of not letting my hair get wet tday. bt it was a good cause anyway,since i managed to swim/thread a little... hahaha..

i super like today ^^ Second time gg sentosa with dommy only haha... and it would have been better if yanting could have joined us in the waters wahaaaaa...

blogger.... is taking a long time to upload the pics :(

Its feels weird to say this.... but my boyfriend is probably tonning/clubbing right now, and im off to catch up on my sleep!


Posted at 10:18 AM

Saturday, September 26, 2009
MMMmmmm this is a lazy period, so i shant be blogging for long..

Got into the same class as GEMALIXIN :D And Caryn and yanting too !
Outing with them as great =) With a spending pocket of wenxin's for the day.... hahaha it was a nice sight to watch :P

And thanks for the food as well <3

Posted at 4:22 AM

Monday, September 21, 2009
I'm just feeling lazy to update :)

I hope this feeling of not feeling like doing anythig fades soon :S

watched AKAI ITO ytd... finally completed all 12 episodes . Its so touching... bleah... why do i like these dramas now? Haha and japanese is so cute.


Posted at 9:18 PM

Friday, September 18, 2009

Baked cookies ytd :D

and the day before was out with dindin, nini, keli, dom and me. Heeee played arcade , those tickets games :D And we spent $13 and got 193 tickets. Will definitely be back for more. Seriously fun hahaha!! esp. the peanuts thrown at all the animals to feed them, and the questionaire thing ^^

Pictures up soon!

Posted at 8:04 PM

Thursday, September 17, 2009
GPA 3.25.

Bleah..... it sounds okay but my grades definitely wont sound good.
Macroecons C+ ????? :(

Congrats nini.... she's a smartyy! :D

Posted at 7:16 PM

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

yayyy had ice cream buffet on tues! (off day from work :D)
with chris and junhong. we thought we'd be able to finish all the 50 flavours of ice cream, but turns out that we ate 14 flavours only!


Fondue was okay... profiterole great. I thought it was just biscuit but its actually ice cream inside! :D choco fudge cake nice :D waffle plus pancake too. couldnt down much of the things but its good enough =))))) tarts were okay just that i dont really eat apple and peach tarts :P




and you see shortfart like a kid there :P


Pictures of my bunny which costed $24.50 from the arcade. ooooops? LOL guess nick and keli and me and dom tried alot and only managed to catch one! ITs hung at dom's house with my barbie purse that they gave me which i carried around orchard LOL.



and like a week ago, where this poor seal was caught by zh...


bleah it isnt in the arcade anymore!!! T.T

Posted at 9:41 PM

Birthday's been a very good one ^^ Love you guys!!! =)))

Sooooo we sorta got "sacked" from work, as the in charge just told chris to pass on the msg to us that we dont need to come anymore since there's nth much left to be done in the warehouse.. oh well. More free time..

Meeting dindin, nini, keli and dom tmr ! :D

Posted at 6:41 AM

Sunday, September 13, 2009
about the serious lack of updates, its because im working.
1st day at Suntec Comex IT fair, and the second at the warehouse as i got tooooooo tired at the IT fair. Met alot of ppl at suntec while working haha! Warehouse was fun in the beginning until i had to carry stuffs :X Butttt with dom there, it just makes this better!

and yesterday was my birthday..... spent it with dom, nick and keli. haaaaaa it was a very gooooood one and thank you for making it :D You know..... only people around dommyy gives out hints while he can keep the secret LOL. awwwwwww..... thank you so much baby and nick annd keli for planning too !

And those who chipped in for the cash $200 (waaaaaaaaaaaa~), THANKSSS :D
I have yet to get the list of names soooooooooooo i will get it soon!

gotta work now from monday to friday. Warehouse again. This time with dom and chris :) Tata!

P.S: Its my happiest birthday without tears falling

Posted at 5:05 PM

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

IT was worsen when i knew that i dont have that IT fair job anymore. And worse still, that chris's friends got it, chris and dom got it, and i did not. I dont know how that guy hate my number so much that he doesnt even bother replying my messages. bloody hell. wasted my planning... i could have done smth else other than waiting for his damn message which never came.

If i told you about it, then you must be updated about me. If not, i haven really talked to you for some time... cos this thing really felt crappish. Oh well... talk to me and catch up if we haven caught on for some time!!! :D

I need a job..... i dont wanna owe for long and it aint any habit of mine to do that. zzzz

Any jobbb available???? :(((


Back to recent updates.
Went out with my secondary school friends on monday. Well sherlyn, billy, chubby, fangyi and me. Was out supposedly to eat the Swensons Ice cream buffet but its 1 for 1, and we only have odd number since Mel, Chris and Junhong couldnt make it... So after much pondering and walking around, we settled for Pepper Lunch.

Pepper Lunch isnt that bad after all! Well, at least the beef is good =)
took a train to dhoby after that and walked all the way to Peace Centre supposedly to play pool. But i guess the arcade got a little appetising to our mood and we played that first.

Haaaa i VS sherlyn , MARVEL VS CAPCOM . LOL i haven played it for years and i anyhow press, the combo still keep coming out :D:D:D:D:D haaaaa relieving childhood memories. then we played drums where i wasted two tokens immediately by clicking the STANDARD type of play,and a very fast pace song. LOL i died within 10 seconds.

Then sherlyn came to play with me and took half of the drums. Looool and it was too simple then haha! Watched billy and fang play house of the dead.... and we headed to some machine that can have 3 players. that is a really childish but nice one. HAHAHAA. mannn pictures only can describe it..

So went to play pool after that. It was kinda the first real time i played it LOL. and managed to get some balls in HAHAHAHA. :D:D:D:D:D

Went off to Clementi after that thanks to sherlyn's dad for a lift! Met dom for dinner after and chattedddd haaaa.. and home :D


Yesterday went to dance sports! finally caught up with Marie and Jaivin. haha plus Nick was deciding between regretting coming to dance sport or staying at the bbq where his gf xinlin is there hehehee. i still cant get the kookooooracha, however it is spelt. And the hips walking. omgggggg sheats... Went to watch muay thai after that where my baby wassss =)) haaaa watched him spar then keli spar... i daresay he looked good :D

BLAAAA but nick was sooooooo keen to get to the bbq to eat so we left soon after. haha funny when they were sparring, nick was a commentator. and the guy selling the ice cream at the bar where we were at, was commenting too. And this happened.
Nick (telling the guy selling ice cream), the guy in white is her bf...
and the guy replied huh again? your bf?
and nick said yeah the white one.
and the guy said OH BOTH FIGHTING HER BF AH?

wtf. damn it, i dont look the sort -.-

Marie was super cute too.. she bought the cone ice cream.. and she went to wash her leg or smth... when she came running back, it was an empty cone.................. the PEPPERMINT ICE CREAM DROPPED ON THE FLOOR. HAHAHAHAHAA

Not forgetting the guy selling ice cream, trying to teach me chinese. he was keeping the chilli sauce and he told me,

went off to the loft area there near school, and we sat at the playground and chatted. While waiting for dom and keli to come over after their muay thai ended. emo a little while, worrying over the damn job.... and i couldnt sleep well last night i think..


went to meet dom and chris for lunch at jurong east (near the workplace) just now, and im glad they got along fine. And i think, more than fine. haaaaa looking at them both together, reminds me of siblings. HAHAHA

Gonna collect my new specs later on.. :)

Posted at 1:04 AM

Sunday, September 6, 2009

I broke my frameless spectacles yesterday and i was half blinded the whole of ytd evening plus today. So i went on my spectacle hunt this afternoon around a few shops and just settled for my previous shop at Optics Point. Arhhh some prices were pretty ridiculous ... such as replacing the dumb frames cost about the same as getting a whole new thing. But i just settled for another frameles specs in the end.

and im thankful to my dearest for accompanying me the whole trip round so many shops, not uttering any single word of complain and yet comforting me + making sure i dont fall over some small step that i cant seem to notice anymore without my "argh-specs". ahhhhhhh it feels so great =)))))

Went to join two of dommy's friends after that at orchard. and stupidly we followed by walking all the way to plaza sing LOL. i tried my luck in throwing another 5 cent coin into the BIG BIG Levi's shoe but obviously i missed since i do not have my specs on me :(

took a bus to bugis after that where i got my specs. Haaa the frameless feels like its made of wood! :) but i think i will like it haha. and we landed up in the arcade after i ordered my new specs.

Looooo and behoooolllld!!!! thanks to dom's friends who idiotic-ally boasted their catches of 3 plushies..... we ended up trying for the seal too..
ARHH!!!! the seal was incredibly cute! Pure white is MY COLOR. buttttt we din manage to get it in the end. Even though it was worth the fun of trying to get it. And seeing him trying to get it for me..... was =)))

I finally understand why many ppl keep trying over and over again to grab that plushie out of the damn machine. Haaaa i always thought they were weird.. and i din see any interest in it... TILL NOW . LOL.. i find it super sweeeeet ^^

after that we went to EAT! and i was bombarded with dumb questions... or a question that was hard for me to answer :S Its like pai-sei. zzzzzzzzzzz but i think i laughed like crap. hahaha

Went off to the children's arcade at the top level. I dont know how the heck we followed z hao and h to that place but we did. Anddddd i felt alot of childhood memories coming back. Gg to the arcade, playing with those toy machines where you get tickets after you score and exchanging it with items.

HAHAHA. the clown mouth was so big and yet we had difficulty aiming properly LOL. and the froggy machine, mine had a fault and i was barely halfway up and dom's side already reached the top HAHA. and the last token we played was 5 crocodiles. Arghhhh 4 hugeeeee ppl (compared to kids playing) hitting the dumb croc when it jutted out its head from its cave, one person taking one. i think it looked a funny sight.

haaaaaaaaaaa and on the way home in the mrt ride was super super funny. and i thought i was direct enough. h was even worse as to say bangla-dified. -.- SHIT and they were all over the mrt , front , left right, all squeezing together. omggggggg... hahaha and hehhhh talked about someeeee... well stick =)

and i really do mean to say, it was one of the best days out =)

Posted at 8:51 AM

Thursday, September 3, 2009
and now its my turn to announce, (which she did to me when i got attached)



wooooooooooooooo =))))) uber uber uber cute together... ^^

Congrats :D

Posted at 10:56 AM

these are only pics with my hp. haha the rest are with dindin :D eyeliner?
Wahahaaaaaa i have never seen dom so happy in pictures so many times before!!!!! <33333
dindin faster upload the rest with all of you!!! :D
Irony between busy studying for exams which resulted in no-time-to-update this blog AND busy during hols and still no-time-to-update. LOL

And its already 1.02am of a friday morning. I shall make this a fast update.

Have i blogged about the clarke quay bazaar? Okay i just checked and i did. hahaha
I forgot what i did for Sunday. Monday. Supposed to have a shoot with Dom's sis + her friend but it turned out NOT. Haaaaa lots of change in plans. Felt pretty screwed but im glad i was able to last through it. Been back to KRSS too! Finally chatted with old friends :) Haaa and mostly fang.... Sat with a mix of 2e4 ppl and 4e5 ppl , bought the fresh cut fruits from the school's new vending machine and it was fabulously cooling! Ate some food from the school's which some ppl really got excited over hahaha.. Okay the fish / prawn wasnt bad! :D

One day, i spent the afternoon gg for the IT fair job interview with Dominic and Christina. It wasnt much of a interview, but an instant hire as soon as you fill up the application form :O At least i will have some spare cash soon :D To pay off debts first also hahaha. Saw a couple of Christina's friends at last! Haaaaa and caught up with her.... after eating at KFC for our breakfast cum lunch and early dinner, we headed to West coast plaza to meet Junhong and spent our time at NEWYORK NEWYORK. The mudpie w choco fudge was FABULOUS!!!!! =)

soooooooo..... it felt like old times. But now, with a new guy in my life, I feel so much better..... and finally i feel like a whole once more. Being lifeless for quite some time before that wasnt such a good experience. I'm blessed to have someone as caring as him and someone who would worry about me and hear out all my problems + complains + some words of wisdom. hahaha sounds weird but i definitely need someone who can do that.

I dont think anyone else would really understand the inner part of me, and i dont really speak up about this weird thing in me. I'm always caught in between 3 options to every problem that i face or think off, think in every other perspective yet feel confused about it. I probably shouldnt be saying too much of it out here too haha.

Wednesday was..... okay seriously i have bad memory! I cant rmb!

But today, met up with dom, nick, dindin, keli. I hope dindin, din really feel out of place!!!! But i dont think you did right? haha i tried my best :D met at jurong point, where we were quite late, sry to din and keli, (esp. keli). Had brunch at MACs and Nick finally came to join. I thought the Doctor really loveeeeeed Nick so much that he had to be held back 2 hours for an injection. It turns out that he was gaming. zzzzz LOL.

Went off to plaza sing to meet a customer after that and then walked around plaza sing. bought the pizza thingy + popcorn from the theatres and we headed to food court after that. took more pictures! And yayyyyy the camera was quick in action and i feel so happy :D I have lots of pictures of dom smiling like a baka so much now ^^ Heeeeeee the results of my doings. A prove of my accomplishment :D

Got sushis after that too LOL. slacked and sent geraldine to hougang before coming back to meet my brother. And im home now.

tmr will be a loooooongggggg day! With shoot early in the morning as early as 9am. And then east coast park for sun tanning, picnic maybe? and the last day available to repair my poor phone. Its damn sad, not dropping it even once for 9 months or so, and within the nxt 3 months, i dropped it a few times. TWICE TODAY. and once was a VERY VERY VERY bad fall :(((( my vibration was a little crazy after that.... but its okay now. Oh well...

Looking forward to tmr :D

Posted at 10:01 AM